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Evaluate the curative effect of CO2 laser in treatment of laryngeal carcinoma
Wenming LI,Dongmin WEI,Ye QIAN,Shengda CAO,Ya XU,Dayu LIU,Xinliang PAN,Dapeng LEI
Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2018, 32 (6): 13-17.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2018.025
Abstract   (1626 HTML1243 PDF(pc) (1634KB)(374)  


To evaluate the curative effect of CO2 laser in the treatment of laryngeal carcinoma.


A retrospective analysis of 152 cases of early laryngeal carcinoma treated with laser surgery between 2011 and 2014 was conducted. Among all cases, 11, 102, 31, and 8 were Tis, T1a, T1b, and T2 cases, respectively.


After the CO2 laser treatment, patients were discharged within 1-3 days. There were no complications, such as dyspnea and tracheotomy, during the perioperative period. The long-term pronunciation quality was satisfactory. The follow-up period was 4-8 years. The recurrence rate of glottic carcinoma was 8.2% (147 cases). Two patients had salvage surgery with CO2 laser. Six patients had salvage partial laryngectomy and four cases total laryngectomy. The five-year overall survival rate was 96.6%. Five cases of supraglottic carcinoma were followed up for 5 years without recurrence.


CO2 laser surgery is a minimally invasive, effective, and safe procedure for early laryngeal carcinoma. Satisfactory exposure, good surgical skills, and appropriate surgical indications are fundamental for the success of CO2 laser treatment.

Fig.1 Flesh plaque hyperplasia and scar evolution after surgery
A: Preoperative laryngoscope; B: One month post-surgery, granulation hyperplasia in the operation area can be seen; C: Granulation resolved and scars formed 3-month post-surgery.
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术后出现咳血1例,发生于术后1 h,患者既往有高血压病史,术后血压180/100 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),在剧烈咳嗽后出现持续咳鲜血,经过降血压、止血药物对症治疗,持续3 h自止,观察3 d未再有出血出院。腭舌弓黏膜撕裂3例,在术后已无活动性出血,给予流质饮食、漱口水漱口,观察2~3 d无出血出院。上门齿松动3例,脱落1例。术后多数患者创面出现肉芽组织增生,尤其是前联合受累者(28/31),肉芽在术后1~2个月出现,多数在3~6个月逐渐消退形成瘢痕(图1),本组2例在支撑喉镜下行肉芽摘除术。
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