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Grillform suture of bone and cartilage of the nasal septum in the treatment of deflection of the nasal septum in teenagers

MA Jing, HE Junling, ZHOU Liuqing

  1. (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Lanzhou General Hospital, Chinese PLA, Lanzhou 730050, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-02-16 Published:2009-02-16

Abstract: To explore the feasibility and curative effect of grillform suture of bone of the nasal septum and cartilage in the treatment of deflection of the nasal septum in teenagers. MethodsThe bulk which initiated from bone of the nasal septum and cartilage from inframucosa to the nasal roof and basis nasi,was removed under general anesthesia. The cristae in the lateral protrusion of the pars cartilaginea septi nasi was repaired to evenness, the cartilage was dissected to a stickform of 0.30.5?cm width. Based on the size of the flankcurvature radian in the cartilaginous and the bony parts, bone fracture was used to flatten or trim the bony part, the buck of closing cartilage was from upper inframedium to 1/4 lower infra medium and interruptedly sutured with a 5° needle of absorption line by 0.1cm. Grill of the bone and cartilage were reestablished and the incision was sutured. ResultsComplications were not found in all patients during a 23.5 year followup. The nasal passage was good for ventilation, the external nose shape was not changed, and the nasal septum had no perforation and flutter in forced breathing. ConclusionGrillform suture in bone of the nasal septum and cartilage is a feasible method for recurring deflection of the nasal septum in children.

CLC Number: 

  • R765.31
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