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Surgeries for 82 cases of chronic suppurative otitis media in children


  1. (Department of Otolaryngology, Xiaogan Central Hospital, Xiaogan 432000, Hubei, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-04-16 Published:2009-04-16

Abstract: To explore pathological changes of chronic suppurative otitis media(CSOM) of children so as to select a suitable operative method. MethodsOf the 82 cases, 60 cases were subjected to radical mastoidectomy, 20 cases modified radical mastoidectomy, and 2 cases tympanoplasty. ResultsAmong the 82 cases, 56 cases(68.2%) were cholesteatoma of the middle ear, and 26 cases(31.7%) were caries. Lesions involved into the acoustic duct, the cavum tympani,the tympanic sinus, the aditus ad antrum tympanicum, and the auditory ossicle, and the auditory ossicle was the most severly destroyed. Followed up from half a year to 2 years, stenosis at the door of the external auditory canal occurred in 8 cases, hyperplasia and contracture of the operative lacouna in 8 cases, relapse of the cholesteatoma in 1 case, and facial paralysis in 1 case. ConclusionExtracranial complications are frequent preoperative complications of CSOM in children, and the younger the patients, the severer the lesions. It is most important to thoroughly clear the focus of infection. Optional operative methods and regular followup are helpful in decreasing relapse rate. Radical mastoidectomy is not suitable for CSOM in children.

CLC Number: 

  • R764
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