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A survey of hearing loss in college students caused by portable music players  

XUE Qiu-hong, CHEN Xiao-lin   

  1. Tianyou Hospital of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430064, China
  • Received:2010-08-04 Revised:2010-11-01 Online:2011-02-16 Published:2011-02-16


Objective    To investigate the impact of portable music players on hearing loss in college students. Methods    A total of 312 college students were randomly enrolled in the survey under the same criteria. The students were interviewed regarding their basic information and use of portable music players. Each student underwent a pure tone audiometry test (Siemens-SD50). Correlations between hearing threshold and sex, ear, playing time, and total time were evaluated by multiple linear regression (SPSS 16.0). Results    Among all the  students, the hearing loss of the right ear was more significant than the left. In the students using portable music players, the bilateral hearing loss was higher than those without. Significant elevations of hearing threshold were observed in students who used portable music players over 3 years. Conclusions    Long-term use of portable music players can lead to chronic hearing loss, or even noise-induced hearing loss in college students.

Key words: Hearing Loss;College students;Portable music players;Survey

CLC Number: 

  • R764.5
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