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Types of endoscopic transnasal nasopharyngectomy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Quan LIU,Xicai SUN,Huapeng YU,Keqing ZHAO,Huankang ZHANG,Weidong ZHAO,Yurong GU,Houyong LI,Dehui WANG,Hongmeng YU
Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (2): 39-45.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.016
Abstract   (3190 HTML95 PDF(pc) (8627KB)(593)  


To establish the types of endoscopic endonasal nasopharyngectomy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) based on anatomic study and clinical applications.


Dissection of the skull base using an endoscopic endonasal approach was performed on a cadaver head. The procedures of endoscopic endonasal nasopharyngectomy for recurrent NPC (rNPC) were used and established.


The procedures of endoscopic endonasal nasopharyngectomy for rNPC were grouped into 4 types: type Ⅰ was used for rT1 and rT3 rNPC located in the midline of the nasopharynx and skull base: type Ⅱ was used for rT2 rNPC with involvement of the cartilaginous Eustachian tube, medial petroclival region, and parapharyngeal space: type Ⅲ was used for rT4 rNPC extending further laterally into the lateral petroclival region, infratemporal fossa, middle of the skull base, superior orbital fissure, cavernous sinus, and cranial nerves: and type Ⅳ was used for rNPC invading the internal carotid artery (ICA) and middle cranial fossa.


The 4 types of endoscopic endonasal nasopharyngectomy are effective for the surgical treatment of rNPC. Pre-operation evaluation and staged exposure of the ICA is reliable, which will be an effective guideline for surgical treatment of rNPC.

手术分型 解剖范围 对应rT分期 颅底重建
Ⅰ型 鼻咽中线区、蝶窦、鼻腔及筛窦 rT1和rT3(中线区)
Ⅱ型 在Ⅰ型的基础上向外侧扩展,另包含咽鼓管软骨段、咽旁间隙和岩斜区内侧 rT2
Ⅲ型 在Ⅱ型的基础上向外侧扩展,包括岩斜区外侧、颞下窝、中颅窝底(硬膜外)、眼眶及眶上裂,海绵窦和颅神经 rT3(旁中线区)和rT4期(颅外)
Ⅳ型 在Ⅲ型的基础上广泛暴露/切除咽旁段、岩骨段和破裂孔段ICA;中颅窝内 rT4
Table 1 Types of endoscopic transnasal nasopharyngectomy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
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