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The relative factors and treatment of the low-tension shallow anterior chamber after anti-glaucoma surgery

XU  Lianchang   

  1. Hubin eye Hospital of Binzhou, Binzhou 256600, Shandong, China
  • Received:2009-10-16 Revised:2010-01-21 Online:2010-02-16 Published:2010-02-16


Objective   To explore the correlative factor and treatment of postoperative the low-tension shallow anterior chamber.  Methods  Retrospectively the incidence of  the  postoperative low-tension shallow anterior chamber in 315 patients with trabeculectomy and 39 patients with iridencleisis,  the relationship of the postoperative low-tension shallow anterior chamber with the preoperative intraocular pressure, surgical method, leakage of conjunctive incision, strong  filtration and detachment of chnorioid postoperatively were analyzed. Results  All of the postoperative low-tension shallow anterior chambers occurred in 68 eyes (16.13%). 16 eyes had  low-tension shallow anterior chamber of 201 eyes with equal or below 21 mmHg preoperative intraocular pressure, in which 16 of 185 eyes (8.65%) with trabeculectomy occurred and 0 in 16 eyes (0.00%) whit iridencleisis occurred. 28 of 126 eyes (22.22%) with preoperative intraocular pressure of 22-30 mmHg occurred, in which 27 of 114 eyes (23.68%) whit trabeculectomy occurred and 1 of 12 eyes (8.33%) whit iridencleisis occurred. 26 of 72 eyes (36.11%) with preoperative intraocular pressure of 31-40 mmHg occurred, in which 25 of 65 eyes (38.46%) whit trabeculectomy occurred and 1 of 7 eyes (14.29%) whit iridencleisis occurred. 8 of 18 eyes (44.44%) with over 40 mmHg preoperative intraocular pressure occurred, in which 7 of 14 eyes (50.00%) whit trabeculectomy occurred and 1 of 4 eyes (25.00%) whit iridencleisis occurred. 11 eyes (16.18%) were because of conjunctive leakage postoperatively. 38 eyes (55.88%) were because of much more filtering. 7 eyes (10.29%) were because of  the detachment of chorioid . The other 12 eyes had no obvious causes. Conclusion  Shallow anterior chamber after anti-gluacoma surgery had a relationship to many kinds of factors. ① Higher  incidence of  the low-tension shallow anterior chamber with  higher preoperative intraocular pressure. ② Lower incidence with the iridencleisis than  trabeculectomy. ③Strong filtration had the highest rate.

Key words: Anti-glaucoma surgery; Postoperative low-tension shallow anterior chamber; Relative factor; Treatment

CLC Number: 

  • R775
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