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王 刚,陈 雷   

  1. 解放军总医院耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科, 北京 100853
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-04-24 发布日期:2007-04-24
  • 通讯作者: 王 刚

Electromagnetic image-guidance system in endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery

WANG Gang,CHEN Lei   

  1. Department of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery,General Hospital of Chinese PLA,Beijing 100853,China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-04-24 Published:2007-04-24
  • Contact: WANG Gang

摘要: 目的:探讨电磁影像导航系统在内镜鼻窦、颅底手术中的优缺点。方法:12例患者,其中慢性鼻窦炎、鼻息肉5例,脑脊液鼻漏2例,慢性鼻窦炎合并脑脊液鼻漏1例,筛窦异物1例,垂体瘤1例,额、筛侵袭性丛状神经纤维瘤病1例,鼻咽、斜坡韦格纳肉芽肿1例,均应用Insta Trak电磁导航系统行鼻内镜手术。结果:术前准备平均15min,手术均顺利完成,术中、术后未出现并发症。结论:电磁导航系统能帮助术者确定术区周围重要解剖结构,减少并发症。尤其是在既往手术或病变破坏了鼻腔、鼻窦解剖标志的情况下,导航系统对术者的帮助更大。

关键词: 体层摄影术, X线计算机, 内窥镜检查, 鼻疾病, 影像导航系统

Abstract: To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the electromagnetic image-guidance system in endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery. Methods: Of twelve patients, five had chronic sinusitis with or without nasal polyps, two cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, one chronic sinusitis with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, one foreign body in the ethmoid sinus, one pituitary tumor, one invasive plexiform neurofibromatosis in frontal and ethmoid sinus and one Wegener granulomatosis in nasopharynx and clivus. All of them received endoscopic surgery with the Insta Trak image-guidance system. Result: All the patients were successfully operated on and no complications occurred. The preoperative preparation needed fifteen minutes on average. Conclusion: The electromagnetic imageguidance system could help surgeons identify critical anatomical structures and reduce surgical complications, especially in patients whose normal anatomic landmarks have been distorted by a prior surgery or disease process.

Key words: Tomography, X-ray, computed, Endoscopy, Nose diseases, Image-guidance system


  • R765.21
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