山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 105-110.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2018.430

• 论著 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.青岛大学医学部, 山东 青岛 266021;
    2.烟台毓璜顶医院眼科, 山东 烟台 264000
  • 发布日期:2019-03-28
  • 作者简介:姜秀颖. E-mail:doctorjxy@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Clinical analysis of posterior intraocular lens dislocation

JIANG Xiuying1, LI Yuanbin1,2   

  1. Medical College, Graduate School of Medicine, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266021, Shandong, China;
  • Published:2019-03-28

摘要: 目的 探讨后房型人工晶体脱位的发生原因及危险因素、临床特征,比较不同手术方式治疗效果,从而提高对该白内障术后并发症的认识。 方法 回顾性分析2007年9月-2017年9月间烟台毓璜顶医院眼科收治的后房型人工晶体脱位的患者,根据发生时间,分为早发型人工晶体脱位组(<3个月)和晚发型人工晶体脱位组(≥3个月)。分别对原发病及所行手术、既往手术史、眼合并症、眼轴、人工晶体脱位的原因、术后发生人工晶体脱位的时间、人工晶体脱位的类型和程度、人工晶体脱位处理的手术方式等信息进行统计学分析。 结果 早期人工晶体脱位组11眼,其中后囊破裂9眼(81.8%),外伤1眼(9.1%),合并高度近视者2眼(18.2%),玻璃体切割术后4眼(36.4%)。晚期人工晶体脱位组62眼,外伤12眼(19.4%),后囊破裂16眼(25.8%),悬韧带断裂27眼(43.5%),合并高度近视20眼(32.3%),葡萄膜炎7眼(11.3%),视网膜色素变性4眼(6.5%),玻璃体切割术后11眼(17.7%),假性囊膜剥脱综合征4眼(6.5%)。术前与术后裸眼视力差异有统计学意义。比较置换术与复位术术前及术后裸眼视力差异无统计学意义。 结论 早期人工晶体脱位多与术中后囊破裂、人工晶体放置位置不当等手术相关因素有关。晚期人工晶体脱位多与悬韧带断裂、后囊破裂等原因相关,高度近视、既往玻璃体手术史、葡萄膜炎等均为人工晶体脱位的危险因素。鉴于人工晶体脱位临床表现复杂,需根据具体情况制定相应治疗策略。

关键词: 人工晶体脱位, 术后并发症, 后囊膜破裂, 危险因素

Abstract: Objective To identify the predisposing factors and clinical characteristics of posterior intraocular lens dislocation, and to compare the surgical outcomes following treatment of dislocated intraocular lens. Methods This study is a retrospective evaluation of all cases with posterior intraocular lens dislocation that presented at the Yuhuangding Hospital from September 2007 until September 2017. All cases were divided into an early intraocular lens dislocation group(<3 months)and a late intraocular lens dislocation group(≧3 months)according to the time of occurrence. The medical records of 73 eyes of 70 patients were evaluated. The main outcome measures were primary disease and surgery, previous surgical history, ocular complications, axial, causes of dislocation, interval between cataract surgery and dislocation, type and degree of dislocation of intraocular lens, and surgical method for treatment of the dislocation. Results There were 11 eyes in the early intraocular lens dislocation group, including 9 eyes(81.8%)with posterior capsule rupture, 1 eye(9.1%)with history of trauma, 2 eyes(18.2%)with high myopia, and 4 eyes(36.4%)with prior vitrectomy. There were 62 eyes in the late intraocular lens dislocation group, including 12 eyes(19.4%)with history of trauma, 16 eyes(25.8%)with posterior capsule rupture, 27 eyes(43.5%)with zonular dehiscence, 20 eyes(32.3%)with high myopia, 7 eyes(11.3%)with uveitis, 4 eyes(6.5%)with retinitis pigmentosa, 11 eyes(17.7%)with prior vitrectomy, and 4 eyes(6.5%)with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. There were significant differences in the UCVA between the preoperative and postoperative stages. There was no significant difference in the UCVA between reposition and exchange. Conclusion Early dislocation of the intraocular lens is associated with surgical factors, such as posterior capsule rupture and improper placement of the intraocular lens. Late dislocation of the intraocular lens is associated with posterior capsule rupture and zonular dehiscence. High myopia, prior vitrectomy, and uveitis are risk factors for dislocation of the intraocular lens. It is necessary to choose the appropriate surgical method based on the complexity of dislocation of the intraocular lens.

Key words: Intraocular lens dislocation, Postoperative complications, Posterior capsule rupture, Risk factors


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