山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 21-22.

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  1. 佛山市第一人民医院耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科, 广东  佛山  528000
  • 收稿日期:2009-02-26 修回日期:2009-04-01 出版日期:2009-06-16 发布日期:2009-06-16
  • 作者简介:朱肇峰,男,副主任医师,主要从事耳鼻喉疾病的临床研究。Email: zzf847@163.com

Factors affecting pronunciation quality of the Blom-Singer pronunciation tube

ZHU Zhao-feng,  WANG Yue-jian,  LIANG Yu-yan, CHEN Wei-xiong   

  1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Foshan First  People′s Hospital, Foshan 528000, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2009-02-26 Revised:2009-04-01 Online:2009-06-16 Published:2009-06-16


目的  了解影响Blom-Singer发音管发声障碍的各种相关因素。方法  回顾性分析1996年4月~2006年10月108例喉全切除术后行Blom-Singer发音管重建喉发声功能患者的临床资料,其中施行Ⅰ期Blom-Singer发声重建术96例,Ⅱ期BlomSinger发声重建术12例,并对其发声效果进行追踪观察。结果  96例行Ⅰ期发音管重建术中,22例发声质量差(22/96,23%);12例行Ⅱ期发音管重建术中,8例发声质量差(8/12,67%)。两种术式的总失败率为(30/108,28%)。结论  Ⅰ期Blom-Singer发声重建术较Ⅱ期Blom-Singer发声重建术成功率高。术后发声质量的效果与环咽肌的处理、气管食管壁的完整性、气管造瘘口的大小、咽瘘、食管下咽腔狭窄及肺功能等因素密切相关。

关键词: 喉全切除术, 发音管, 治疗结果


Objective  To explore relative factors affecting dysphonia of the Blom-Singer pronunciation tube.  Methods  The clinical data of 108 patients who had undergone Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction following total laryngectomy were retrospectively analyzed. 96 cases received stage Ⅰ Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction, and the other 12 cases underwent stage Ⅱ Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction.  Results  22 of 96 cases who had undergone stage Ⅰ Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction had less effective phonation(22/96, 23%), and 8 of 12 cases who had undergone stage Ⅱ Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction did not get the expected voice(8/12, 67%), and the total failure rate of the two operative methods was 28%.  Conclusion   The successful rate of stage Ⅰ Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction was higher than that of the stage Ⅱ Blom-Singer voice producing reconstruction. Effect of voicing quality after the operations was closely related to following factors, such as treatments to the cricopharyngeal muscle,  integrity of the tracheoesophagus wall,  size of the trachea stoma, pharyngeal fistula, stenosis of the esophagus hypo-pharyngeal cavity and pulmonary function of patients.

Key words: Total laryngectomy, Pronunciation tube, Treatment outcome


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