山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 175-178.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2018.386

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  1. 深圳市龙华区中心医院耳鼻喉科, 广东 深圳 518110
  • 出版日期:2019-07-20 发布日期:2019-07-22

Effects of intensive self-care on voice recovery and psychological emotions in patients undergoing laryngoscope-assisted vocal cord polypectomy

ZHAO Yan, CHENG Sihua, TONG Qiaozhen   

  1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, The Central Hospital of Longhua District, Shenzhen 518110, Guangdong, China
  • Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-07-22

摘要: 目的 研究强化自我护理对喉镜辅助声带息肉切除术后患者嗓音及心理情绪的影响。 方法 选取2016年3月~2018年3月接受喉镜辅助声带息肉切除术治疗的患者94例为研究对象,将其按随机数字表法分成研究组与对照组各47例。对照组予以常规护理干预,研究组则予以强化自我护理干预。比较两组嗓音恢复情况,干预前后汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、数字分级法(NRS)及生存质量测定量表(QOL)评分变化。 结果 研究组基频微扰、振幅围绕、自主发音能力比对照组低(t分别为5.181、3.355、11.017,P分别为0.001、<0.001、<0.001),而声音障碍指数比对照组高(t=4.550, P<0.001)。干预后研究组与对照组HAMA评分比干预前低(t分别为15.0698.539, P均<0.001),且研究组比对照组低(t=6.935, P<0.001)。干预后研究组与对照组NRS评分比干预前低(t分别为4.7882.535, P均<0.001),且研究组比对照组低(t=2.548, P=0.013)。干预后研究组与对照组QOL评分比干预前高(t分别为7.2922.671, P分别为0.000、0.009),且研究组比对照组高(t=4.698, P<0.001)。 结论 强化自我护理有助于喉镜辅助声带息肉切除术患者嗓音的恢复,同时降低HAMA、NRS评分,提高QOL评分。

关键词: 声带息肉, 声带息肉切除术, 强化自我护理, 汉密尔顿焦虑量表, 数字分级法, 生存质量测定量表

Abstract: Objective To study and analyze the effects of intensive self-care on the Hamilton anxiety scale(HAMA), a digital grading method(NRS), and the QOL scores in patients with laryngoscope-assisted vocal cord polypectomy. Methods Between March 2016 and March 2018, 94 patients who underwent laryngoscope-assisted vocal cord polypectomy at our hospital were selected as the study subjects. They were divided into the study and control groups according to a random number table, with 47 patients in each group. The control group received routine nursing intervention, while the study group received intensive self-care intervention. Voice restoration in the two groups as well as the changes in the HAMA, NRS, and QOL scores before and after intervention were compared. Results The fundamental frequency perturbation, amplitude circumference, and independent articulation ability of the study group were lower than those of the control group(t=5.181, 3.355, and 11.017, respectively; P=0.001, <0.001, and <0.001, respectively). However, the voice disturbance index was higher in the study group than in the control group (t=4.550; P<0.001). The post-intervention HAMA score of the study group was lower than the pre-intervention score of the control group(t=15.069 and 8.539, respectively; P<0.001), and the study group had a lower HAMA score than did the control group(t=6.935; P<0.001). The post-intervention NRS score of the study group was lower than the pre-intervention score of the control group(t=4.788 and 2.535, respectively; P<0.001), and the study group had a lower NRS score than did the control group(t=2.548; P=0.013). The post-intervention QOL score of the study group was higher than the pre-intervention score of the control group(t=7.292 and 2.671, respectively; P<0.001 and 0.009, respectively), and the study group had a higher QOL score than did the control group(t=4.698; P<0.001). Conclusion Intensive self-care is helpful for voice recovery in patients undergoing laryngoscope-assisted vocal cord polypectomy, while reducing the HAMA and NRS scores and improving the QOL scores.

Key words: Vocal cord polypectomy, Strengthening self-care, Hamilton anxiety scale, Digital classification, Quality of life scale


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