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  1. (南京军区南京总医院 1. 耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科; 2. 呼吸内科, 南京 210002)
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2009-02-16 发布日期:2009-02-16
  • 通讯作者: 王秋萍

Epidemiology of allergic rhinitis in bronchial asthma patients and correlation between allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma

XUE Fei1, LI Zeqing1, JIANG Manjie1, CHENG You1, WANG Qiuping1, XIN Xiaofeng2

  1. (1. Department of OtorhinolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery; 2. Department of Respiratory Medicine,
    Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command, PLA, Nanjing 210002, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-02-16 Published:2009-02-16
  • Contact: WANG Qiuping

摘要: 目的了解南京地区支气管哮喘患者合并过敏性鼻炎的情况,计算支气管哮喘患者中过敏性鼻炎的发生率,并分析过敏性鼻炎与支气管哮喘在临床表现方面的相关性。方法问卷调查南京地区134例支气管哮喘患者,详细了解其临床表现及治疗现状,建立相应的个人数据库档案,对数据进行统计学分析。结果134例支气管哮喘患者中,82例(61.2%)并发过敏性鼻炎,过敏性鼻炎和支气管哮喘的发病年龄及病程间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.10)。82例患者中,哮喘严重程度一级(轻度间歇)56例,二级(轻度持续)21例,三级(中度持续)4例,四级 (重度持续)1例。过敏性鼻炎分型:间歇性65例,持续性17例;按严重程度分级:轻度63例,中-重度19例。所有患者中,42例(31.3%)直系三代内有气道炎症相关性疾病家族史。结论南京地区支气管哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎的发生率较高,两者临床表现相关,分型、分级具有高度一致性。

关键词: 过敏性鼻炎, 哮喘, 流行病学研究, 相关性

Abstract: To study the epidemiology of allergic rhinitis in bronchial asthma patients from Nanjing, China, and to analyze the correlation of clinical characteristics between allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. MethodsA questionnaire survey of 134 bronchial asthma patients from the city of Nanjing was carried out. Their clinical situations and treatment status were investigated in detail, and a database was set up for statistics. ResultsIn 134 bronchial asthma patients, 82 (61.2%) were accompanied with allergic rhinitis. The episode ages and their courses of diseases of both groups had no significant differences (P>0.10). In respect of severity of bronchial asthma in 82 patients, 56 were in the first degree, 21 in the second degree, 4 in the third degree, and 1 in the fourth degree. In respect to classification of allergic rhinitis, 65 were intermittent and 17 persistent. In respect to severity of allergic rhinitis, 63 were mild and 19 moderatesevere. Of all the asthma patients, 42 (31.3%) had a family history of airway inflammatoryrelated diseases in the direct parent tertstrain. ConclusionThe morbidity of allergic rhinitis in bronchial asthma patients is high in Nanjing, China. There are correlations between clinical characteristics of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, and their classification and severity are highly coherent.


  • R562.25
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