Prognosis and influencing factors in sudden deafness patients with acoustic stapedius reflex threshold
- SUN Yongqiang, SONG Zhongyi, WANG Chunfang, LI Xiao, FU Ying, PAN Xinliang
Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University. 2023, 37(2):
893 )
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Objective Analyze the prognosis of sudden deafness patients with acoustic stapedius reflex threshold and explore its influencing factors. Methods This study was a retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 282 patients who suffered sudden deafness with acoustic stapedius reflex threshold from January 2018 to December 2021. Excel was used for data processing, and SPSS 26.0 was used for descriptive and statistical analysis of the collected data. Statistical analyses were conducted on factors such as gender, age, time of medical treatment, tinnitus, vertigo, basic diseases(diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease), hearing curve type, degree of hearing loss, acoustic stapedius reflex threshold, difference between acoustic stapedius reflex threshold and hearing threshold(A-T). Results Among 282 cases of sudden deafness with acoustic stapedius reflex threshold, 101 cases were cured, 8 cases were markedly effective, 54 cases were effective, and 119 cases were ineffective. The total effective rate was 57.8%. Deafness side(P=0.907), accompanying symptoms(Pvertigo=0.686, Ptinnitus=0.534), basic diseases(Phypertension= 0.338, Pdiabetes=0.262, Pcoronary heart disease=0.780), acoustic stapedius reflex threshold(P0.5 kHz=0.152, P1.0 kHz=0.701, P2.0 kHz=0.810), the difference between acoustic stapedius reflex threshold and the pure tone hearing threshold(P0.5 kHz A-T=0.413,P2 kHz A-T=0.092)of patients who suffered sudden deafness with acoustic stapedius reflex threshold had no significant difference in prognosis. However, age(P=0.022), sex(P=0.001), visit time of sudden deafness(P<0.001), type of hearing curve(P=0.004), degree of hearing loss(P=0.008)and difference between 1 kHz acoustic stapedius reflex threshold and hearing threshold(P1 kHz A-T<0.001)were effective prognostic factors. Conclusion In sudden deafness patients with acoustic stapedius reflex threshold, gender, age, visit time of sudden deafness, type of hearing curve, degree of hearing loss and difference between 1 kHz acoustic stapedius reflex threshold and hearing threshold have an impact on the prognosis of deafness. The change of acoustic stapedius reflex threshold has no significant correlation with the prognosis of sudden deafness patients. However, the effect of sudden deafness patients can be estimated by the 1 kHz acoustic stapedius reflex threshold and hearing threshold difference to improve patients confidence in treatment.