山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 9-12.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2018.012

• 加速康复外科在耳鼻咽喉头颈外科的应用论著 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 81670907);
    烟台市科技计划(2017YD012)第一作者:宋晓宇。 E-mail:18254577511@163.com通讯作者:宋西成。 E-mail:songxicheng@126.comDOI:10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2018.012加速康复外科理念在慢性鼻-鼻窦炎伴鼻息肉手术治疗中的应用宋晓宇1, 2, 张宇2, 李成林2, 宋西成2(1.滨州医学院, 山东 烟台 264003;
    2.青岛大学附属烟台毓璜顶医院, 山东 烟台 264000
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-30 出版日期:2018-09-20 发布日期:2018-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 宋西成. E-mail:songxicheng@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Enhanced recovery after surgery for the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps

SONG Xiaoyu1,2, ZHANG Yu2, LI Chenglin2, SONG Xicheng2   

  1. Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital, Yantai 264000, Shandong, China
  • Received:2018-07-30 Online:2018-09-20 Published:2018-09-20

摘要: 目的 探讨加速康复外科(ERAS)在慢性鼻-鼻窦炎伴鼻息肉(CRSwNP)手术患者围手术期的应用效果。 方法 选取CRSwNP患者136例,随机分为ERAS组70例,对照组66例,两组均接受鼻内镜下鼻息肉切除加鼻窦开放手术,ERAS组患者行术前宣教、围手术期气道评估干预、缩短禁食时间、术中控制性低血压、按时镇痛等一系列优化措施;对照组行传统的围术期处理。比较两组术前肺功能异常可耐受手术率、术后疼痛评分、术后24 h鼻腔出血量、术后住院时间、总住院时间。 结果 ERAS组、对照组术前肺功能异常患者可耐受手术率分别为93.3%、75.0%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.924, P=0.165); ERAS组患者术后鼻部疼痛、鼻塞、头痛、眼部胀痛、流泪、耳闷和睡眠困难的VAS评分均低于对照组(P均<0.001); ERAS组术后24 h内出血量为5.7(3.0,10.3)mL,对照组为7.2(5.0,13.2)mL,两组比较差异无统计学意义(U=-0.913, P=0.361)。平均住院日ERAS组、对照组分别为(4.6±0.8)、(7.5±1.1)d,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=17.79, P<0.001);术后住院日ERAS组与对照组分别为(2.1±0.5)、(3.8±0.3)d,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=23.94, P<0.001)。 结论 将ERAS理念贯穿于CRSwNP患者围手术期将有效减轻患者心理和生理的创伤应激反应,缩短住院时间。

关键词: 鼻窦炎, 鼻息肉, 功能性鼻内镜手术, 加速康复外科

Abstract: Objective To explore the perioperative application value of enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS)in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps(CRSwNP). Methods A total of 136 patients with CRSwNP were randomly divided into the ERAS group(n=70)and control group(n=66). Both groups underwent endoscopic nasal polypectomy and open sinus surgery. Patients in the ERAS group underwent preoperative education and perioperative airway assessment intervention and a series of optimization measures such as shortening fasting time, intraoperative controlled hypotension, and on-time analgesia, whereas those in the control group were treated with traditional perioperative treatment. The preoperative dysfunction of lung function, postoperative pain score, amount of nasal bleeding after 24 h, postoperative hospital stay, and total hospital stay between the two groups were compared. Results The preoperative tolerance rates of patients with preoperative pulmonary dysfunction in the ERAS and control groups were 93.3% and 75.0%, respectively(χ2=1.924, P=0.165). The VAS scores of nasal congestion, headache, eye pain, tearing, ear nausea, and sleep difficulties in the ERAS group were lower than those in the control group(P<0.001). The ERAS group had a blood loss of 5.7(3.0, 10.3)mL within 24 h postoperatively, whereas the control group had a blood loss of 7.2(5.0, 13.2)mL; there was no statistically significant difference in blood loss between the two groups (U=-0.913, P=0.361). The average hospitalization days in the ERAS and control groups were 4.6±0.8 and 7.5±1.1, respectively, with statistically significant difference(t=17.79, P<0.001). The postoperative hospitalization day of the ERAS and control groups were 2.1±0.5 and 3.8±0.3, respectively, with statistically significant difference(t=23.94, P<0.001). Conclusion The use of ERAS throughout the perioperative period in patients with CRSwNP can effectively reduce the psychological and physiological trauma stress response and shorten the hospitalization time.

Key words: Enhanced recovery after surgery, Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, Functional endoscopic sinus surgery


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