山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 67-71.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2020.071

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 黄玉宇, 孙夏雨, 陈建勇, 沈佳丽, 王璐, 贺宽, 李姝娜, 杨军上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 耳鼻咽喉头颈外科/上海交通大学医学院耳科学研究所/上海市耳鼻疾病转化医学重点实验室, 上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-23 发布日期:2020-11-17
  • 作者简介:黄玉宇、孙夏雨,共同第一作者
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics of air-conducted vestibular-evoked myogenic potential in normal children

  • Received:2020-07-23 Published:2020-11-17

摘要: 目的 探讨研究正常儿童中气导声刺激诱发的眼性前庭诱发肌源性电位(oVEMP)和颈性前庭肌源性诱发电位(cVEMP)的各项参数指标,并对正常值进行统计学处理分析。 方法 选择4~10岁听力正常健康儿童52例,以500 Hz短纯音作为刺激音,分别行 oVEMP和cVEMP检测,记录左、右耳引出率及波形参数,并采用SPSS统计软件进行统计学处理分析。 结果 双耳皆未引出oVEMP 2例,单耳可引出oVEMP4例,oVEMP总体引出率为92%。双耳皆未引出cVEMP 2例,cVEMP总体引出率为96%。oVEMP与cVEMP的P1潜伏期分别为(17.07±0.89)ms、(15.55±1.58)ms;N1潜伏期分别为(12.39±0.91)ms、(23.10±2.29)ms;N1P1间期分别为(4.68±0.88)ms、(7.83±1.56)ms;oVEMP与cVEMP的振幅分别为(7.24±4.79)μV、(197.40±118.37)μV。双耳间oVEMP及cVEMP振幅不对称比分别为(19.03±12.50)%、(22.16±18.64)%。患儿左右耳的潜伏期,P1N1间期及振幅差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 绝大部分正常儿童经气导声刺激可引出oVEMP与cVEMP。该检测患儿依从性高,可用来评估儿童前庭功能。此研究结果可为我国的儿童气导VEMP提供正常参考值范围。

关键词: 眼性前庭诱发肌源性电位, 颈性前庭肌源性诱发电位, 气导声刺激, 前庭功能, 正常儿童

Abstract: Objective To study the characteristics of air-conducted ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential(AC-oVEMP)and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential(AC-cVEMP)in normal Chinese children. Methods Fifty-two 4-10-year-old children with normal hearing(male 30, female11, 104 female)were recruited. Using 500-Hz air-conducted pure tone burst as a stimulus, oVEMP and cVEMP were assessed. The response rates and waveform parameters of the left and right ears were recorded and analyzed statistically using SPSS software. Results The respective findings for oVEMP and cVEMP were as follows: response rates: 92% and 96%; P1 latencies:(17.07±0.89)ms and(15.55±1.58)ms; N1 latencies:(12.39±0.91)ms and(23.10±2.29)ms; N1P1 latencies:(4.68±0.88)ms and(7.83±1.56)ms; amplitudes:(7.24±4.79)μV and(197.40±118.37)μV; interaural asymmetry ratios(AR,%):(19.03±12.50)% and(22.16±18.64)%. There were no significant differences between the latencies, N1P1 latencies, or amplitudes of the left and right ears(P>0.05). Conclusion oVEMP and cVEMP can be elicited by the stimuli of air-conducted pure tone bursts in the majority of normal children. They can be used to evaluate vestibular function, as they are feasible and compliance in children is high. The results provide the normal reference range of VEMP for children in China.

Key words: Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential, Cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential, Air-conducted pure tone burst, Vestibular function, Normal children


  • R764.43
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