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    Role of Toll-like receptor 4/nuclear transcription factor-κB channels in diabetic retinopathy
    LUN Yingjun, CHEN Chen, GAO Hongcheng, FAN Qinglin, TAI Renqing
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (2): 163-168.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2023.333
    Abstract298)      PDF(pc) (1054KB)(483)       Save
    Diabetic retinopathy(DR)is a microvascular complication caused by diabetes mellitus and is the primary cause of blindness in patients. Its pathogenesis is influenced by various factors,such as immune inflammation, oxidative stress, and polyol pathways. Currently, immune-inflammatory responses are considered to play important roles in the development of DR. The Toll-like receptor 4(TLR4)/nuclear transcription factor-κB(NF-κB)pathway mediates the release of inflammatory factors and plays a key role in inflammatory mechanisms. Several studies have demonstrated that inhibition of the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway can effectively treat DR.This review addresses the role of TLR4/NF-κB channels in DR, which may provide novel treatment targets for this disease.
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    Detection of serum total IgE and allergen-specific IgE in healthy adults and its significance.
    YUAN Yuan, WU Zhongfei, CHAO Changjiang, LU Meiping, TIAN Huiqin, CHENG Lei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (4): 34-38.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.259
    Abstract4647)      PDF(pc) (1217KB)(3147)       Save
    Objective To explore the scientific significance and practical application of serum levels of total IgE(tIgE)and allergen-specific IgE(sIgE)in excluding allergen sensitization. Methods A total of 536 volunteers including 347 males and 189 females, aged 19-60 years with median age of 38 years old received the healthy physical examination were recruited in the study. All the subjects had no history and symptoms of allergic diseases as well as systemic diseases. Serum tIgE was detected by the capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The tIgE level ≤100 kU/L represented negative while >100 kU/L positive. Serum sIgE was assessed by means of the Phadiatop test using the fluoroimmunoassay. The Phadiatop class 0 means negative and class ≥1 positive. Results Serum level of tIgE among healthy adults was 1.14-1 703.70(median 37.18)kU/L, and it was significantly higher in males than in females(P=0.001). The negative and positive rates of serum tIgE were 72.52% and 27.48%, respectively. Serum level of sIgE(Phadiatop)among healthy adults was 0.01-59.50(median 0.05)kU/L, which had no significant significance between the male and the female(P=0.154). The negative and positive rates of Phadiatop were 82.09% and 17.91%, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in serum tIgE and sIgE levels among different age groups(P=0.119 and P=0.225, respectively). The Spearman rank correlation coefficient between serum tIgE and sIgE levels was 0.683 with statistical significance(positive correlation, P<0.001). There were 368 subjects(94.85%)with negative Phadiatop and 20 subjects(5.15%)with positive Phadiatop in the serum tIgE negative subjects(n=388), while 75 山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报30卷4期 -袁源,等.健康成人血清总IgE和变应原特异性IgE检测及意义 \=-subjects(51.02%)with positive Phadiatop and 72 subjects(48.98 %)with negative Phadiatop in the serum tIgE positive subjects(n=147). Conclusion More than one fourth subjects among healthy adults have a serum tIgE level higher than 100 kU/L, while less than one fifth subjects have a sensitization to inhaled allergens. There is an obvious correlation between the serum levels of tIgE and sIgE. The serum tIgE level below 100 kU/L may have a clinical value to exclude allergen sensitization; however, the sensitized status may not be confirmed when the tIgE level is higher than 100 kU/L, and case history and clinical manifestations also should be considered.
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    Effects of tilt and decentration on visual quality after various intraocular lens implantations
    HUANG ZiyanOverview,DUAN GuopingGuidance
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (6): 26-31.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.544
    Abstract839)      PDF(pc) (428KB)(615)       Save
    Cataract phacoemulsification and intraocular lens(IOL)implantation are currently recognized as effective treatments for cataracts. The goal of cataract surgery has changed to refractive surgery to achieve good visual quality. Postsurgical IOL decentration and tilt can increase high-order aberrations and reduce visual quality. Different IOL have diverse effects on visual quality caused by postoperative decentration and tilt due to their design and other factors. Compared to the visual quality of other types of IOL, those of aspheric and multifocal IOLs are more susceptible to decentration and tilt. This paper reviews the relevant recent literature on tilt and decentration after IOL implantation, analyzes the cause and effect of the visual quality differences between various IOLs, and highlights additional treatment options and research directions to improve the prognosis of cataract patients.
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    Three different operative methods in H-UPPP
    SU Yue, WANG Zhong-liang, ZENG Zhen
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (1): 5-7.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.240
    Abstract2407)      PDF(pc) (983KB)(1175)       Save
    Objective To compare the effects of harmonic scalpel, low-temperature plasma scalpel or traditional scalpel in Han-uvalopalatopharyngoplasty(H-UPPP) to treat obstructive sleep apnea and hyponca syndrome(OSAHS). Methods According to the methods in the operation of H-UPPP, OSAHS patients were divided into three groups: group A (harmonic scalpel), group B (low-temperature plasma scalpel) and group C (traditional scalpel). Each group had 42 cases. Intra-operative blood loss, operation time, degrees of postoperative pain, effective rate and complications after surgery were compared among the three groups. Results Intra-operative blood loss and surgery time of group A and B were much less and shorter than those of group C. However, the differences of effective rates and complications after surgery among three groups were not identified. Conclusion For H-UPPP, harmonic scalpel or low-temperature plasma scalpel can help reduce the blood loss and shorten surgery time. Among them,,low-temperature plasma scalpel demonstrates much less postoperative reaction.
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    Agreement study of implantable collamer lens based on NK and KS formulas in the early stage after surgery
    LI Bin, FANG Xuejun, WU De, HUANG Min
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2021, 35 (6): 33-41.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.346
    Abstract1658)      PDF(pc) (1611KB)(597)       Save
    Objective To investigate the agreement of NK and KS formulas based on CASIA OCT in predicting the vault after implantation of an implantable collamer lens(ICL). Methods This prospective case study included 25 patients(50 eyes)with moderate to high myopia undergoing ICL implantation. CASIA OCT was used to analyze the vault change at one day, one week, and one month after surgery, and the difference and agreement between the vault predicted by the NK and KS formulas and the actual vault postoperatively. Variation of the vault at each follow-up was analyzed using One-way Repeated Measures Anova. NK and KS formulas were used to predict the vault and vault differences at different time points. A paired t-test was used to analyze the difference between the actual vault after surgery at each follow-up and the vault predicted by the NK/KS formulas. The agreement between the actual vault after surgery at each follow-up and the vault predicted by the NK/KS formulas were analyzed using Bland-Altman analysis. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the relationship between the vault and the preoperative parameters of the anterior segment. Results The vault decreased with time in the early stage after surgery. The difference of the vault at one day and one week was(122.22±81.03)μm(P<0.05), at one day and one month after the operation was(169.04±84.20)μm(P<0.05), and at one week and one month after the operation was(46.83±45.70)μm(P<0.05). There was a statistical difference between the predicted value of the NK formula and the actual vault measured one day after the operation(P<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference between the predicted vault value of the KS formula and the actual vault measured one day and one month after surgery(P<0.05). The agreement between the actual vault after surgery at one week and the vault predicted by the NK/KS formulas was the highest. The postoperative vault was correlated with the anterior chamber width, crystalline lens rise, and angle to angle distance. The consistency between the vault prediction value of the NK formula and the first day after the operation was lower than the KS formula but higher than the KS formula in terms of one week and one month. Conclusion The vault decreased with time during the early postoperative period. The predicted vault of the two prediction formulas of CASIA OCT was the most consistent with the vault at one week after surgery. The NK formula could accurately predict the actual value of the postoperative vault. Furthermore, the NK formula is better than the KS formula in predicting the postoperative vault at early stage.
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    Diagnosis and treatment of parapharyngeal space neoplasms
    HU Juan-juan, HONG Yu-ming
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2014, 28 (5): 85-90.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.159
    Abstract2401)      PDF(pc) (972KB)(2004)       Save
    Anatomy of parapharyneal space is very complicated. Many types of parapharyngeal space neoplasms can occur, and all of them demonstrate different clinical manifestations. Therefore, it is more difficult to diagnose and treat the parapharyngeal space neoplasms than other head and neck neoplasms. Common diagnostics methods include bimanual examination, imaging studies, cytopathology, transoral and transcervical biopsy. All these methods can help doctor determine the nature and blood supply of tumors and understand the relationship between neoplasms and adjacent structure, which provide a reliable basis for the ensuing treatment. This paper aims to state the diagnosis and treatment of parapharyngeal space neoplasms, especially how to select surgical procedures.
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    Detection and clinical application of nasal nitric oxide
    Zhiwen CHEN,Lei CHENG
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (3): 124-128.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.026
    Abstract4868)   HTML221)    PDF(pc) (437KB)(2769)       Save

    Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized from arginine by the enzyme family NO synthases. NO is an endogenous modulator of airway function. NO from the nose can constitute a nasal defensive barrier, and keep the sinuses relatively sterile. The most commonly clinical detection of nasal nitricc oxide (nNO) is to directly collect NO with a nasal plug probe placed in the anterior nostril. nNO has been used for the screening diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia. However, nNO is related to many influences such as the plugged extent of the sinus. Dynamic monitoring nNO before and after treatment, and combination with frictional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)examination to early detect eosinophilic inflmmation in the upper and lower airways are more clinically valuable.

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    Endoscopic anterior prelacrimal recess surgery in treatment of maxillary sinus lesions
    WANG Xiao-ye, YOU Jian-qiang, LI Hai-feng, CHAO Chang-jiang
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2014, 28 (6): 34-36.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.244
    Abstract2753)      PDF(pc) (905KB)(1160)       Save
    Objective To explore the application of endoscopic transnasal prelaerimal recess-maxillary sinus approach in surgery for maxillary sinus lesions.Methods A total of 31 patients with maxillary sinus lesions were treated by endoscopic transnasal prelaerimal recess-maxillary sinus surgery between September 2011 and January 2014. Among them there were 19 cases of inverted papilloma(3 of malignant transformation), 5 cases of hemorrhagic necrotic polyps, 3 cases of fungal maxillary sinusitis, and 4 cases of maxillary sinus polyps. The operation was performed under hypotension anaesthesia and performed with an endoscopic transnasal lateral nasal wall approach to the maxillary sinus.Then all the lesions were completely removed under endoscopy. Results The lesions were removed totally in all 31 patients.No complications were found.Three patients with inverted papilloma canceration underwent radiotherapy after surgery. All the patients fully recovered and were discharged from the hospital in 5 to 8 days.Except one patient with papillary epithelioma, no recurrence occurred during the follow up periods ranging from 5 to 33 months.Conclusion Endoscopic transnasal prelacrimal recess-maxillary sinus approach can maintain the structure of nasolaerimal duct and fully expose the maxillary sinus. Lesions removed totally can greatly decrease the morbidity.
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    Bioinformatic screening of differentially expressed protein kinases and their inhibitors in hypopharyngeal cancer.
    HU Wenliang, ZHENG Yanqiu, CUI Xiaobo, CUI Yanru, SUN Yuanhao
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (3): 24-28.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.340
    Abstract1199)      PDF(pc) (1774KB)(819)       Save
    Objective To screen differentially expressed protein kinases and their inhibitors, in order to provide new targets for molecular therapy of hypopharyngeal cancer. Methods GEO database and SAM software were employed to screen the differentially expressed protein kinase genes in hypopharyngeal cancer. Human hypopharyngeal cancer FaDu cell line was cultured in vitro. Real-time PCR was used to prove the accuracy of microarray results. Based on KEGG database, the kinase-regulated pathways were identified. The inhibitors of such kinases were identified by using kinase-inhibitor database. Results A total of 3 protein kinase genes(PKC-β, CDK6 and CDC42)were identified(fold change≥2.0, P<0.05). Real-time PCR showed that the 3 kinase genes were differentially expressed in FaDu cells, which was consistent with the microarray results(P<0.05)Pathway analysis indicated that a complex pathway network was regulated by the 3 kinases. The results of inhibitor screening showed that 5 inhibitors regulated PKC-β, 4 inhibitors regulated CDK6 and 3 inhibitors regulated CDC42. There were less than 10 studies about the 4 inhibitors in cancer. Conclusion Three differentially expressed protein kinases(PKC-β, CDK6 and CDC42)are identified and they are able to promote the development of tumor. Their kinase inhibitors may play a potential anti-cancer role, which may provide a new target for molecular therapy of hypopharyngeal cancer.
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    Visual analogue score on treatment choice for nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with post-radiotherapy chronic rhino-sinusitis
    LIU Yang-yun, LI Zheng-xian, JIANG Wen, MAO Kun-hua, CHEN Qiong, CHANG En-ge
    J Otolaryngol Ophthalmol Shandong Univ    2013, 27 (4): 66-69.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2013.146
    Abstract1666)      PDF(pc) (882KB)(1339)       Save

    Objective    To investigate the value of visual analogue score(VAS) on nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with post-radiotherapy chronic rhino-sinusitis (post-RT-CRS) by treatment choice. Methods    98 patients were divide into three groups: the expectant treatment(group 1), the maxillary natural ostium enlargement (group 2) and the combined fenestration operation(group 3) under nasal endoscopy groups. The VAS before and after treatment was analyzed. Result    Only the VAS of purulent secretion was statistical difference in group 1,but the VAS of  purulent secretion and facial gas pains were statistical difference in group 2 and 3 and the curative effect of group 3 was better than that of group 2. Conclusion     Maxillary natural ostium enlargement in combination with fenestration operation by nasal endoscopy is suitable for post-RT-CRS patients with high VAS at purulent secretion and facial gas pains.

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    Research progress of olfactory dysfunction in chronic rhinosinusitis
    WANG Huan, HU Li,YU Hongmeng
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (3): 43-49.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.041
    Abstract1094)      PDF(pc) (697KB)(526)       Save
    Olfactory dysfunction, one of the main clinical symptoms in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, seriously affects patients' quality of life. With improved socio-economic circumstances and social progress, demands for the improvement of olfactory function in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis have increased. Rhinologists, therefore, should be able to assess the severity of anosmia in chronic rhinosinusitis and choose appropriate and effective treatment methods. Accordingly, this article focuses on discussing the evaluation tools and treatment progress that has emerged in recent years to assist rhinologists with improving their diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
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    Research progress on the relationship between mitochondrial autophagy and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
    SUO Anqi, YANG Xinxin
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2023, 37 (3): 111-117.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.147
    Abstract671)      PDF(pc) (1634KB)(398)       Save
    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma(HNSCC)is among the six most common cancers worldwide. Many patients in advanced stages of HNSCC die because of tumor recurrence or resistance to chemotherapy drugs. New treatment strategies are needed to improve the prognosis of HNSCC patients. Mitochondrial autophagy is a selective form of macro autophagy which reduces oxidative stress and prevents cancer by regulating related pathway proteins or drugs, or by promoting the survival of tumor cells under some adverse conditions. Mitochondrial autophagy is the key factor to control the quality of cancer cells which is closely related to the occurrence and development of cancer. Mitochondrial dysfunction promotes cell carcinogenesis, and mitochondrial autophagy dysfunction can induce apoptosis of cancer cells. The discovery and development of new drugs has created new options in targeting mitochondria to treat tumors. Mitochondrial autophagy shows great potential for the prevention and treatment of tumors. This article reviews the regulatory mechanism of mitochondrial autophagy, relationship between mitochondrial autophagy and tumor, and prevention and treatment of HNSCC and clinical drug resistance. The aim of this study is to provide new research directions and targets for the treatment of HNSCC.
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    Establishment and application of model of chronic rhinosinusitis in mice
    WANG Zhiyuan, ZHANG Gehua
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (5): 76-78.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.184
    Abstract2458)      PDF(pc) (954KB)(2348)       Save
    Chronic rhinosinusitis(CRS) is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, which seriously affects the patients' quality of life. Because of its uncertain pathogenesis, the curative effect is not satisfactory. Animal model of CRS is the ideal means for study of the human CRS pathological mechanism and curative effect. Mice are currently common CRS animals. The main content of the review includes research progress of the mice CRS-building methods, the evaluation index and application status of the model.
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    Assessment ofquality of life in children with adenoid hypertrophy by OSA-18 questionnaire
    LONG Chaoqing, YAN Yongyi, RONG Qingfeng
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (3): 13-15.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.419
    Abstract4199)      PDF(pc) (1197KB)(1498)       Save
    Objective To investigate the value of OSA-18 questionnaire in assessment of quality of life in the children with adenoid hypertrophy. Methods Electronic nasopharyngoscopy and polysomnography (PSG) were underwent in 56 children with adenoid hypertrophy, and their quality of life were evaluated by OSA-18 questionnaire. The correlations between adenoid hypertrophy and OSA-18 scores were analyzed. Results The quality of life in 80.36% children with adenoid hypertrophy were significantly affected.Their OSA-18 total score were moderate and severe. There was significant correlation between OSA-18 total score and apneahypopneaindex(AHI), lowestoxygen saturation(LSaO2), and adenoid size. Conclusion There is an obvious correlation between adenoid size and OSA-18 score. OSA-18 questionnaire can be used asan indicatorin assessment of quality of life in the children with adenoid hypertrophy.
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    Cytoskeleton-associated protein in the inner ear and gene mutations cause hereditary deafness
    YANG Xia, GAO Xia
    Abstract1268)      PDF(pc) (1006KB)(2039)       Save

    The correlated hereditary deafness-associated genes include cytoskeletal proteins, extracellular matrix proteins, channels and gap junction proteins, transcription factor genes, mitochondrial genes and other unknown function genes. Most of the cloned genes are cytoskeletal molecules.This paper makes a summary about major structural protein associated with hair cells and the pathogenesis of gene mutations lead to hereditary deafness.

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    Research progress of SIRT1 activation by resveratrol in ocular diseases
    ZHANG Yi, WANG Wenjun,YANG Anhuai
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (2): 151-156.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.070
    Abstract972)      PDF(pc) (433KB)(462)       Save
    Sirtuins are a class of histone deacetylases that regulate a variety of activities through the control of gene expression, DNA repair, metabolism, oxidative stress response, mitochondrial function, and other biological processes. Sirtuin 1(SIRT1)has been most widely studied. Resveratrol is a natural polyphenolic compound that upregulates SIRT1 activity. Resveratrol has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and has been widely studied in cardiac protection, neuroprotection, chemotherapy, and anti-aging. Oxidative stress and inflammation play key roles in the development and progression of eye diseases, which can lead to progressive vision loss and even blindness. This article briefly reviews the potential use of resveratrol in ocular diseases and the limitations of its applications.
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    Analysis of efficacy of corneal bandage lens after pterygium resection.
    SHENG Xia, CHEN Hui, DENG Hong, XIE Qing
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (4): 109-112.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.010
    Abstract2413)      PDF(pc) (948KB)(949)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of corneal bandage lens after pterygium resection combined with autologous limbal stem cell implantation. Methods A total of 58 patients(62 eyes)with pterygium were selected and given pterygium resection combined with autologous limbal stem cell implantation. They were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, 29 patients(31 eyes)for each group. Experimental group was given corneal bandage lens on postoperative d1, while control group was treated with routine eye pad dressing. Eye conditions 1 d, 4 d, 7 d and 1 month after operation and recovery condition 9 months after operation were observed in both groups. Results There were significant differences between two groups in eye condition scales 1 d and 4 d after operation(P<0.05), but the differences were not significant 7 d and 1 month after operation(P>0.05). There was interaction between time and grouping factors(P<0.05). And 9 month after operation, there was no significant difference between two groups in recurrence rate(P>0.05). Conclusion Application of corneal bandage lens after pterygium resection has no significant influence on postoperative recurrence rate of pterygium, but can relieve the corneal discomfort, and increase patients comfort, so it is an simple, effective and suitable complementary therapeutic method deserving to be popularized.
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    A contrast of the therapeutic effects of Nasonex and Rhinocort in the treatment of allergic rhinitis
    XIE Xiao-shuai,LI Liang
    Abstract7003)      PDF(pc) (254KB)(2420)       Save
    To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nasonex Nasal Spray(momestasone furoate) and Rhinocort Nasal Spray(budesonide) on allergic rhinitis(AR). Methods160 patients with AR were randomly divided into two groups: the Nasonex group (n=80) were treated with Nasonex once daily (total 200μg) and the Rhinocort group (n=80) were treated with Rhinocort once daily (total 256μg) for 4 weeks. Clinical effects and adverse drug reactions were observed. ResultsThere were statistical differences between the pre-and post-treatment groups (both P<0.05). The total effective rate was 97.5% in the Nasonex group and 92.5% in the Rhinocort group, however, there was no statistical difference between the two groups (P>0.05). No severe adverse drug reaction was found in either group. ConclusionsBoth medicines have good therapeutic effects on allergic rhinitis. Either one can be used for allergic rhinitis alone and achieve ideal therapeutic efficacies.
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    Abstract1533)      PDF(pc) (425KB)(1001)       Save
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    Research progress on the application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
    LIU Jiayu, FAN Huiming, ZOU You, CHEN Shiming
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2023, 37 (2): 135-142.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.089
    Abstract970)      PDF(pc) (556KB)(386)       Save
    The incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is high in southern China. As traditional diagnosis and treatment methods are affected by both low efficiency and subjective and objective factors, a more objective, stable and efficient method of diagnosis and treatment is urgently needed. Artificial intelligence has been widely used in tumor diagnosis and treatment, and has shown high accuracy in image recognition, segmentation, risk prediction, and efficacy prediction. In addition, the application of AI models to assist clinicians in diagnosis and treatment can significantly reduce the amount of time required, improve the accuracy of clinicians' performance, and reduce observer variability among physicians, establishing conditions for enhanced tumor diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, the application status and value of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma are reviewed and summarized, and its future development direction is discussed.
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    Research progress of dry eye animal model.
    HU Jindong, LIU Xinquan
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (4): 109-113.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.420
    Abstract2306)      PDF(pc) (899KB)(2016)       Save
    Dry eye is the most common ocular surface disease; however, its pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated. Therefore, the establishment of a dry eye model is particularly important for research into the conditions origins and its possible treatments. The current models used to establish tear deficiency either make use of an autoimmune reaction, involve the removal of the lacrimal gland(i.e., extirpation)or blockage of the lacrimal nerve, or use drugs that inhibit parasympathetic activity. Other methods of inducing dry eye involve burning the meibomian gland, decreasing the blink rate, reducing vitamin A intake, using preservatives, changing sex hormone levels, increasing tear osmolality, or carefully controlling the system environment. Meanwhile, some researchers combine the aforementioned models to produce dry eye, including combining parasympathetic inhibitory drugs with a controlled environmental system or using preservatives following removal of the lacrimal gland. In this article, we summarize the commonly used dry eye models.
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    Progress of transnasal endoscopic vidian neurectomy
    LI Song, WANG Zonggui, YANG Jingpu, ZHANG Zhuping
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2018, 32 (1): 72-76.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2017.312
    Abstract3273)      PDF(pc) (448KB)(1265)       Save
    In the 1970s and early 1980s, vidian neurectomy was widely used for the treatment of intractable vasomotor rhinitis and refractory allergic rhinitis; however, it was gradually abandoned because of the serious complications associated with this procedure and the rise of nasal glucocorticoids and immunotherapy in the early 1990s. The developments in nasal endoscopy and internal medicine treatment have revealed the limitations of traditional vidian neurectomy, and the great advantages of transnasal endoscopic vidian neurectomy compared to traditional vidian neurectomy have also been elucidated; thus, an increasing number of surgeons have been performing transnasal endoscopic vidian neurectomy recently and many different operating methods have also been subsequently developed. This review focuses on the progress related to transnasal endoscopic vidian neurectomy in recent years.
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    A new mechanism of bilirubin-induced auditory nervous system injury
    Ling ZHANG,Haibo YE,Haibo SHI
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (3): 31-35.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2018.044
    Abstract1602)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (755KB)(658)       Save

    Severe hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice) may lead to functional damage of a specific nervous system, presenting clinical characteristics such as nucleus selectivity and neonatal susceptibility. The auditory nervous system is extremely sensitive to bilirubin toxicity. The clinical manifestations comprise of acute functional impairment, which might be the first or only manifestation, or hidden and adult onset auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Scattered clinical and basic studies have shown that excitotoxicity is the main pathway of bilirubin-induced neurological dysfunction. However, the characteristics and mechanism of hearing impairment are still unknown. The generation and transmission of electrical signals in an auditory circuit depend on both the rhythmic firing of action potential of neurons and the synchronous transmission among nerve fibers. Moderate excitability is the basis of maintaining normal hearing, but “epilepsy-like” overexcitation may lead to an impairment of cell energy metabolism, increase in intracellular Ca2+, and eventual cell apoptosis or necrosis. Exploring the mechanism of bilirubin-induced auditory neurotoxicity is not only helpful in revealing the pathophysiological characteristics of auditory circuits, but also in shedding light on the pathogenesis and antagonistic measures of bilirubin encephalopathy.

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    Update on the development and evaluation of vestibular function in newborns and Infants
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (5): 82-88.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1. 2020.068
    Abstract1458)      PDF(pc) (818KB)(626)       Save
    Newborns and infants with hearing loss often suffer from vestibular dysfunction, which may aggravate with the gradual deterioration of hearing, resulting in delayed motor development or motor dysplasia. The motor development of newborns and infants depends on the function of the vestibular organs; thus, early vestibular function evaluation has positive prognostic significance. However, newborns and infants lack the language skills to fully express their symptoms. Furthermore, a series of complex vestibular function tests may cause them discomfort, such as vertigo and nausea, and the equipment and environment often scare them, which make vestibular assessment very challenging. Additionally, the structure and function of the vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive systems gradually mature with growth and development. Therefore, the clinical data of vestibular quantitative tests in different age groups cannot be compared with the standard reference range in adults. Hence, not all types of vestibular tests are necessary or appropriate in newborns and infants and should be adjusted according to the stage of development. In this study, we performed a literature review with focus on the common vestibular function tests according to the age and developmental stage of newborns and infants.
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    Interpretation of “The Third Edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders(ICSD)”.
    SHANG Wei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (5): 18-20.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.386
    Abstract3776)      PDF(pc) (1002KB)(3206)       Save
    The third edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders(ICSD-3)is the key reference for the diagnosis of sleep disorders. ICSD-3 is built on the same basic outline as ICSD-2, preserving the major diagnostic classifications. Significant modifications have been made to the nosology of insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep-related breathing disorders. Major changes of the manual are reviewed in this article.
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    Progress in the research of intraocular lens power calculation formulas
    TAN Yan, LI Can
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (6): 95-98.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2019.275
    Abstract2819)      PDF(pc) (311KB)(1501)       Save
    With the development of phacoemulsification surgery, the calculation of intraocular lens power has been paid greater attention. Various intraocular lens power formulas have been presented to optimize the visual quality after surgery. This paper comprehensively describes the progress in the research of various intraocular lens power formulas, such as the first-generation intraocular lens formula, the second-generation formula, Hill-RBF, Barrett True-K, and so on.
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    The calculation of intraocular lens refractive power
    WANG Lei, ZHANG Han
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (4): 21-28.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2017.028
    Abstract2213)      PDF(pc) (916KB)(1911)       Save
    This review describes the principles and practice involved in the calculation of intraocular lens(IOL)refractive power. The theories behind formulas for calculating IOL power are described, using regression and optical methods. The review emphasizes the importance of establishing a precise estimation of corneal power as well as accurate techniques for the measurement of axial length and for predicting postoperative anterior chamber depth. The review concludes that current improvements in diagnostic and surgical technology, combined with the latest IOL refractive power formulas, make the calculation and selection of appropriate IOL power among the most effective tools in refractive surgery today.
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    Value the diagnosis and treatment of ear trauma
    Haijin YI,Shiming YANG
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (1): 1-3.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.045
    Abstract1270)   HTML1321)    PDF(pc) (1095KB)(508)       Save
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    Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal airway reflux disease: based on related consensus and guidelines from 2020 to 2024
    HU Zhiwei, CHEN Dong, YANG Dong, WU Jimin
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (6): 30-38.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2024.075
    Abstract663)      PDF(pc) (1536KB)(315)       Save
    In recent years, airway diseases caused by gastroesophageal reflux have become a clinical hotspot in disciplines such as gastroenterology, otolaryngology, respiratory and gastrointestinal surgery, and new clinical evidence has been obtained. Consensus and guidelines related to gastroesophageal airway reflux diseases have been frequently released in recent years. These consensus and guidelines represent the latest progress in clinical research and treatment of reflux related disease. This review interprets the main consensus and guidelines related to reflux in recent years, and outlines the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment strategies of gastroesophageal airway reflux disease.
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    Coronal CT imaging of anatomic variations of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with or without polyps
    GU Lin-tao,WANG Qi-rong,HAN Fei
    Abstract2040)      PDF(pc) (334KB)(2138)       Save
    Objective: To explore the relationship between anatomic variations of the nasal cavity and chronic rhinosinusitis with or without polyps. Methods: Four hundred and eleven coronal plane CT scans of the paranasal sinuses were divided into three groups: the control group(A), the chronic rhinosinusitis group(B), and the deviation of middle turbinate group(C). The prevalence of anatomic variations in groups A, B and C was determined and analyzed by SPSS V.12.0 for windows. Results: The prevalence of concha bullosa, paradoxical middle turbinate and straight middle tubinate in group A was 23.39%, 8.06% and 3.23%, respectively, in group B was 38.52%, 18.58% and 12.84%, respectively and in group C was 37.45%, 21.70% and 17.02%, respectively. The prevalence of anatomic variations in the MT between groups A and B or C was statistically significant(P<0.01). The prevalence of pneumatization of the UP, superior divarication of the UP and paradoxical curvature of the UP in group A was 4.03%, 4.83% and 0.00%, respectively, in group B was 7.10%, 2.73% and 2.18%, respectively and in group C was 8.51%, 3.83% and 7.23%, respectively. Differences of paradoxical curvature of the UP were statistically significant between groups A and C(P<0.01)and also statistically significant between groups B and C(P<0.01). Conclusions: Anatomic variations of the MT may be one of the reasons for chronic rhinosinusitis with or without polyps. The paradoxical curvature of the UP,superior divarication of the UP,nasal septal deviation and infraorbital ethmoid cells.
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    Progress in metabolomics research in sensorineural hearing loss
    YANG Min, ZHU Xiaoyan, WANG Xu
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (2): 113-121.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2023.263
    Abstract264)      PDF(pc) (1101KB)(298)       Save
    Sensorineural hearing loss is a common clinical disease in otology, which is hearing loss or hearing loss caused by cochlea, auditory nerve or auditory center organic lesions, and its incidence is related to genetics, age, noise exposure, ototoxic drugs and other factors, and the current incidence is increasing year by year and showing a younger trend. Metabolomics is a life science research that uses high-throughput omics technology to identify and quantify all metabolites, and has been applied to the pathophysiological mechanism of the inner ear in recent years, metabolomics provides new ideas for etiological exploration from the perspective of metabolic changes, and its research problems include analyzing the association between metabolites and sensorineural hearing loss, discovering new metabolic markers, and finding new strategies for preventing and treating sensorineural hearing loss. The application of metabolomics in sensorineural hearing loss contributes to the early diagnosis, individualized treatment and prediction of sensorineural hearing loss. In this paper, the research progress of metabolomics of sensorineural hearing loss is reviewed at home and abroad, and the experimental methods and results of clinical trials and animal experiments are integrated and analyzed, in order to provide a basis for the research and clinical application of metabolomics of sensorineural hearing loss, and put forward a prospect.
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    Current progress of exosome research in allergic diseases
    ZHANG Xuping, LIU Xuexia,ZHANG Hua
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2021, 35 (2): 136-140.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2020.285
    Abstract1355)      PDF(pc) (966KB)(594)       Save
    Exosomes are closed vesicles with a lipid bilayer membrane that are produced from late endosomes. They can carry and secrete cargo such as intracellular proteins and nucleic acids, and they can be transported to recipient cells. Exosomes are used for signal transduction and intercellular communication. These carriers play an important role in various physiological and pathological processes. Recent studies have found that exosomes can regulate immune responses, transmit inflammatory signals, and release cytokines, which play a key role in allergic diseases. Since exosomes exist in a variety of body fluids, they are expected to aid early disease screening, efficacy evaluation, and prognostic analysis. Therefore, this study reviews the research progress regarding exosomes in allergic diseases, hoping to provide new ideas and effective targets for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
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    cases of tonsillectomy with ultrasonic harmonic scalpel
    HOU Yan-peng, XU Zhen-ming, GUO Yin, CUI Xiao-feng, GU Quan
    Abstract1569)      PDF(pc) (1037KB)(1891)       Save

    Objective   To evaluate the advantages  of tonsillectomy with ultrasonic harmonic scalpel. Methods   167 cases of tonsillectomy with ultrasonic harmonic scalpel and 45 cases of tonsillectomy with HF elctrotome were analyzed retrospectively.   The operation time,anesthesia time, intraoperative bleeding, and postoperative pain between the two groups were reviewed. Results   The operation time ,intraoperative bleeding, anesthesia time and postoperative pain in the ultrasonic  harmonic scalpel group were much better than those in the HF electrotome group. Conclusion   It is of great value to perform the tonsillectomy with ultrasonic harmonic scalpel.

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    Diagnosis and management of eosinophilic lymphoid granuloma in the head and neck
    LIU Bin, JIANG Kai-ling, JIANG Yu-ling
    Abstract1864)      PDF(pc) (1223KB)(1541)       Save

    Objective   To systematically analyze the pathological and clinical features of eosinophilic lymphoid granuloma(ELG)to improve the diagnosis and treatment. Method   The clinical data of 10 cases of ELG were reviewed. Results   Of all the 10 cases, there were 6 males and 4 females, with ages between 29 and 59. Among the 10 cases,the typical clinical presentation was  painless soft tissue masses predominantly in the parotid and submaxillary region and combined with peripheral eosinophilia. The pathological findings  were the marked infiltration of eosinophil,lymphocytic proliferation,lymphatic follicles,variable degrees of fibrosis and vascular proliferation.Conclusion   ELG is a chronic inflammatory disease which features distinctive clinical as well as histological characteristics.  Treatments include surgery, medication and radiotherapy.

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    Fluticasone propionate and loratadine granules improve the quality of life in patients with allergic rhinitis in childhood: A clinical observation
    LIU Ji-rong, YANG Ai-ping, YU Jia-rui, LI Yuan-ming, SU Chuan
    J Otolaryngol Ophthalmol Shandong Univ    2013, 27 (2): 26-28.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2012.256
    Abstract2367)      PDF(pc) (979KB)(1146)       Save

    Objective   To evaluate the therapeutic effect of fluticasone propionate and loratadine granules on quality of life(QOL) in patients with allergic rhinitis in childhood. Methods   77 patients with allergic rhinitis in childhood were randomly in this study. They were compared with self-controlled and healthcontrolled groups.QOL was measured by using rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire(RQLQ). Patients were investigated 2 and 4 weeks after using fluticasone and Loratadine respectively. Symptoms were evaluated by the patients, and signs were evaluated by the investigators using scores under self-controlled models. RQLQ was administered at the start of treatment and 2 and 4 weeks after the treatment. Results   Fluticasone and loratadine improved the symptoms and signs. The 4-week scores which reached that of the health group were significantly less than the pre-treatment scores and the 2- week scores.  Conclusion   Fluticasone and loratadine play an extremely important role in the treatment and improve the QOL in patients with allergic rhinitis in childhood.

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    Pathogens in the ENT department in the First Hospital of Fujian Medical University from 2005 to 2007
    LIN Wei, CHENG Jin-Mei, HUANG Jin-Qiao, OU Qi-Shui, XU Yuan-Teng
    Abstract1680)      PDF(pc) (562KB)(1559)       Save

    To explore the species and distribution of fungi, bacteria and other pathogens isolated from our department and to explore the sensitivity results. MethodA survey on the isolated pathogens from March 2005 to October 2007 was carried out. ResultsThe total number of samples increased from 248 in 2005 to 306 in 2007, and the positive cases of fungi and bacteria increased from  115 in 2005 to 181 in 2007, and its positive ratio increased from 46.4% to 59.2%. ConclusionsFrom 2005 to 2007, the pathogen infection the Department of Otorhinolaryngology in the First Hospital of Fujian Medical University had an upward trend.

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    Relationship between sinusitis and adenoid hypertrophy in children
    ZHANG Liqiang
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (6): 25-28.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.058
    Abstract3824)      PDF(pc) (529KB)(720)       Save
    There is a high incidence rate of sinusitis in children. Adenoid hypertrophy is a common cause of sinusitis in children. Adenoid hypertrophy can affect the occurrence and development of sinusitis by hindering nasal cavity development and nasal drainage, as well as releasing pathogenic bacteria. Sinusitis can cause adenoid hypertrophy through inflammatory stimulation. Allergies can affect both sinusitis and adenoid hypertrophy and might be an important therapeutic target to be considered during treatment.There is a closed relationship between adenoid hypertrophy and pediatric sinusitis. An adenoidectomy can be used to treatrefractory sinusitis in children.
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    Research progress on the pathogenesis and treatments of central serous chorioretinopathy
    LI Lu, ZHAO Jie, ZHAO Bojun
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2023, 37 (3): 118-124.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.032
    Abstract1188)      PDF(pc) (465KB)(500)       Save
    Central serous chorioretinopathy(CSC), one of the most common causes of visual impairment among fundus oculi diseases, typically presents with central vision loss and micropsia. Having a type A personality, administration of exogenous glucocorticoids, and endogenous hypercortisolism have been recognized as risk factors for CSC. Fundus fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography have shown that CSC may be secondary to choroidal vascular hyperpermeability and retinal pigment epithelial dysfunction. However, its exact pathophysiology and management remain unknown. Photodynamic and laser photocoagulation have been used as managements for patients with CSC. This article provides an overview of CSC's risk factors, pathogenesis, pathophysiology and treatments.
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    Roles of multidrug resistance proteins P-gp and ABCG2 in laryngocatcinoma and their related signal pathways.
    SU Tiantian, ZHANG Jia, SUN Zhenfeng
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (3): 103-106.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.469
    Abstract1484)      PDF(pc) (953KB)(1068)       Save
    Laryngocatcinoma is a type of malignant solid tumor, and chemotherapy plays an increasingly important role in its treatment, but multidrug resistance(MDR)has become the leading cause of chemotherapy failure. Researches have showed that P-gp and ABCG2 proteins are important in the MDR of laryngocatcinoma, P-gp may be positively or negatively correlated with ABCG2, and their related signal pathways(MAPK)are related to their expressions in tumors. However, how P-gp and ABCG2 are controlled and how to improve the effect of chemotherapy remain to be further investigated.
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    The role of antibiotics for pediatric sinusitis
    LI Yong
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (6): 20-24.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.056
    Abstract1874)      PDF(pc) (606KB)(791)       Save
    Pediatric sinusitis is one of the most common childhood diseases. Recurrent upper respiratory infections are associated with its high incidence and relapse rates, which increases the burden on families and society. In the past, the use of antibiotics has been advised in Chinese and foreign guidelines for the treatment of sinusitis as the first-line response. However, differences between children and adults in anatomy, pathophysiology, and associated diseases have led to controversy regarding antibiotic treatment for pediatric sinusitis. Further, in recent years, there have been debates about the use of antibiotics as the first-line therapy. This paper reviews the efficacy of antibiotics in the treatment of pediatric sinusitis.
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    Immunologic mechanism of cytokines in otitis media with effusion
    MA Hui-qin, ZHANG Zhi-jun
    Abstract1270)      PDF(pc) (916KB)(1349)       Save

    There were a lot of researchs performed on the immunologic mechanism related to otitis media with effusion(OME) at home and abroad in the recent years, especially the type I allergy, cytokines related to Th1/Th2 , the interactions among these cytokines  and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interferon-γ(IFN-γ), nuclear transcription factors kappa B (NF-kB), oxygen radicals, hypoxia inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α), transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β), or intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM). The progress was reviewed and some new ideas is to be proposed in this paper. 

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    A review of squamous cell lines originating from the nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx and larynx
    FENG Chengmin, JIN Yidan,LIU Hai, WANG Bing
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2021, 35 (6): 113-124.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2020.478
    Abstract4684)      PDF(pc) (470KB)(1128)       Save
    Larynx squamous cell carcinoma is a common malignant tumor of the head and neck region. The head and neck have complicated anatomical structure, and squamous cell carcinomas with different primary sites have different incidences, strategies of diagnosis and therapy, and even molecular pathogeneses. Therefore, selecting the suitable squamous cell carcinoma cell lines is important for researchers to determine appropriate preclinical research models and to have a better understanding of the mechanisms of tumorigenesis and progression. To provide a reference for researchers, this study summarizes the currently available squamous cell carcinoma cell lines originating from the nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx and larynx.
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    Histopathologic analysis of 81 cases of parotid malignant tumor.
    ZENG Wanting, CHEN Yanren, TAN Yun, LI Te, ZHANG Min, GUAN Liqian, CHEN Jichuan, JI Changyou, LIU Rongrong
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (6): 104-106.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.027
    Abstract1314)      PDF(pc) (978KB)(1315)       Save
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    Progress of research of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of presbycusis
    ZHOU Yingdong, ZHANG Mengxian, WANG Qingling, KANG Haoran, GUO Xiangdong
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (1): 72-78.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.518
    Abstract382)      PDF(pc) (1196KB)(547)       Save
    Presbycusis is a sensorineural hearing loss caused by senescence of the inner ear and auditory cortex. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the occurrence and development of presbycusis. During aging, mitochondrial damage and the release of reactive oxygen species(ROS)promote each other, leading to oxidative stress and a variety of subsequent pathophysiological processes such as an imbalance in mitochondrial quality control, ubiquitin-proteasome system disorders, and programmed cell death. Antioxidants play a role in scavenging ROS, regulating mitochondrial function and inhibiting programmed cell death, and have shown great potential in the prevention and treatment of presbycusis. This review focuses on the progress of research of oxidative stress and subsequent cellular processes in the pathogenesis of presbycusis and antioxidants in delaying presbycusis in order to provide a theoretical basis for its treatment.
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    Endoscopic surgery for surgical approache of benign lesion of maxillary sinus
    WANG Xiaoyong, SONG Xicheng
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (3): 90-92.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.096
    Abstract1844)      PDF(pc) (949KB)(773)       Save
    The benign lesions of maxillary sinus mainly include inflammatory lesions and benign tumorous lesions. Caldwell-Luc operation, the radical maxillary sinusotomy, was the major treatment for the benign lesions of maxillary sinus before the nasal endoscopic surgery was used. With the development of nasal endoscopy technology, basically replaced Caldwell-Luc operation, some operation for the benign lesions of maxillary sinus can be performed by endoscopy via the middle or inferior meatus approach. And open surgery with nasal endoscopy-assistedhas been improved as well. Nasal endoscopic surgery has the advantages of well surgical field, small trauma and keeping the organizational structure of inferior turbinate and nasolacrimal duct. With nasal endoscopic surgery becoming more mature, operation continues to develop with innovation. This paper will review the surgical approachs of nasal endoscopic surgery for maxillary sinus lesions.
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    Comparison of nasal septum suture and nasal packing in septoplasty.
    ZHANG Meng, XU Jun, JIN Xianghua, JIN Jun, WANG Lusha, JIN Yongde
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (5): 92-93.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.039
    Abstract1603)      PDF(pc) (1226KB)(993)       Save
    Objective To explore the effect of nasal septum suture and nasal packing in septoplasty. Methods A total of 95 patients who were diagnosed as deviation of the nasal septum were undergone septoplasty in Yanbian University Hospital, Department of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck from September 2014 to August 2015. All patients were randomly divided into two groups based on operative methods: the nasal packing group and the suture group. The VAS of headache, nasal pain, lacrimation, nasal obstruction and costs related to the operation and post-operative complications were analyzed between the two groups. Results In post-operative symptoms of headache, nasal pain, lacrimation and nasal obstruction, the VAS of the packing group was obviously higher than that of the suture group(P<0.05), and the costs related to the operation was also the same. Conclusion The application of nasal septum suture in septoplasty can relieve the post-operative suffering of patients and lower the costs related to the operation, which is worthy of promotion.
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    Key criteria for screening before corneal refractive surgery
    ZHANG Fengju, LI Yu
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (2): 7-12.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2020.014
    Abstract1862)   HTML80)    PDF(pc) (1291KB)(1556)       Save
    Safety, efficacy, predictability, and long-term stability are the prerequisites for satisfied outcomes after corneal refractive surgery. The most important factors are strict pre-operative screening and reasonable selection for surgical indications. This article put forward the main criteria for screening before corneal refractive surgery, which purpose is to select surgical indications rationally and avoid medical pitfalls and risks effectively. And make sure the patients could achieve the safe, effective, and stable results as well as high visual quality after corneal refractive surgery.
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    Progress in diabetic retinopathy mechanisms and cellular models
    WANG Jiaojiao, LI MiaoOverview,SONG ZongmingGuidance
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (5): 93-99.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.203
    Abstract2040)      PDF(pc) (473KB)(1161)       Save
    Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of poor vision and blindness in adults. A reasonable model for diabetic retinopathy can not only simulate its pathogenic mechanism, but also reduce economic investment. Therefore, screening and constructing suitable cell models is the core of research. In this paper, the mechanisms of inflammatory response, apoptosis, vascular dysfunction, and neurovascular unit dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy were discussed. Moreover, several models of endothelial cells, pericytes, retinal pigment epithelial cells, and glial cells were summarized to provide a useful reference for further studies on the mechanism of diabetic retinopathy and the development of relevant drugs.
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    The application of adipofascial anterolateral thigh flap in reconstruction of the head and neck
    LI Baofei, AINIWAER·Mailudan, YANG Xin, CHEN Fei
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (1): 87-91.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.337
    Abstract249)      PDF(pc) (417KB)(368)       Save
    The complex defects that result from surgery for some head and neck malignancies present a challenge for surgeons. The free anterolateral thigh flap, forearm flap, and free fibular flaps are frequently used in these procedures.Recently, the free adipofascial anterolateral thigh flap has also been widely used in the reconstruction of the head and neck. This article reviews the recent literature, summarizes applied anatomical characteristics, and discusses the current applications of the adipofascial anterolateral thigh flap in various subunits of the head and neck. Indications, advantages, and disadvantages of the use of this flap are also included.
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    Effect of rh-bFGF on the level of glutamic acid in retinal tissue of rabbits with ischemia-reperfusion injury.
    SHAO Hongchao, GE Yanran
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (3): 93-95.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.517
    Abstract1280)      PDF(pc) (1487KB)(744)       Save
    Objective To explore the effect of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor(rh-bFGF)on the level of glutamic acid in retinal tissue of rabbits with ischemia-reperfusion injury. Methods Sixty-six white rabbits were divided into group A[retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury(RIRI)group, n=30], group B(RIRI+rh-bFGF, n=30)and group C(sham-operation group, n=6). Groups A and B were also assigned into 5 subgroups respectively 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after ischemia-reperfusion injury, 6 rabbits in each group. The same dose of normal saline and rh-bFGF solution were respectively injected into the vitreous cavity of rabbits in groups A and B at the early stage of molding. The rabbits were killed and their eyeballs were taken out at five time points after molding. Puncture of anterior chamber was given in group C, and no other operations were given. The rabbits in group C were killed and their eyeballs were taken out. The changes of retinal pathomorphism were observed, and the contents of glutamic acid were detected. Results In group A, the retina was characterized by high edema, disordered levels and loose cell structure. Vacuole degeneration was present in retinal ganglion cells(RGC)and and the number of ganglion cells decreased. In group B, the retinal structure changes were similar to that in A group, but the damage was significantly milder than that in group A. In group C, the levels of retina were clear, the cells were arranged in parallel and retinal morphology was reguLar. RGC was reguLarly arranged in a single layer, and no vacuole degeneration occurred. 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after ischemia-reperfusion injury, the contents of glutamic acid in groups A and B were dramatically higher than that in group C(P<0.01). When compared with group A, the contents of glutamic acid in group B decreased notably at different time points(P<0.01). Conclusion rh-bFGF has a protective effect on retinal injury in rabbits, and its mechanism may be related to the inhibition of cell apoptosis and decreased content of glutamic acid.
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