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    Effects of 01% cyclosporin eye drops in combination with sodium hyaluronate eye drops in the treatment of dry eye syndrome
    ZHANG Ju, WU Xin-yi
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (1): 49-51.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.342
    Abstract4352)      PDF(pc) (929KB)(2194)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the effects of 0.1% cyclosporin eye drops in combination with sodium hyaluronate eye drops in the treatment of dry eye syndrome. Methods A total of 60 patients (120 eyes) with dry eye syndrome were randomly divided into the experimental group (60 eyes) treated by 0.1%cyclosporin eye drops in combination with sodium hyaluronate eye drops and the control group (60 eyes) treated by bysodium hyaluronate eye drops. Both groups were measured the Schirmer I test(SIt), tear film break-up time(BUT) and corneal fluorescein staining(FLs) before and after a month. Results There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in SIt, BUT and FLs before treatment (P>0.05). After treatment, all the indicators of SIt, BUT and FLs of the experimental group and the control group were better than before (P<0.05). The experimental group was superior to the control group in the three indicators (SIt, BUT and FLs)(P<0.05). Conclusion 0.1%cyclosporin eye drops in combination with sodium hyaluronate eye drops is effective in treatment of dry eye, and is superior to bysodium hyaluronate eye drops alone.
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    Detection of serum total IgE and allergen-specific IgE in healthy adults and its significance.
    YUAN Yuan, WU Zhongfei, CHAO Changjiang, LU Meiping, TIAN Huiqin, CHENG Lei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (4): 34-38.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.259
    Abstract4647)      PDF(pc) (1217KB)(3147)       Save
    Objective To explore the scientific significance and practical application of serum levels of total IgE(tIgE)and allergen-specific IgE(sIgE)in excluding allergen sensitization. Methods A total of 536 volunteers including 347 males and 189 females, aged 19-60 years with median age of 38 years old received the healthy physical examination were recruited in the study. All the subjects had no history and symptoms of allergic diseases as well as systemic diseases. Serum tIgE was detected by the capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The tIgE level ≤100 kU/L represented negative while >100 kU/L positive. Serum sIgE was assessed by means of the Phadiatop test using the fluoroimmunoassay. The Phadiatop class 0 means negative and class ≥1 positive. Results Serum level of tIgE among healthy adults was 1.14-1 703.70(median 37.18)kU/L, and it was significantly higher in males than in females(P=0.001). The negative and positive rates of serum tIgE were 72.52% and 27.48%, respectively. Serum level of sIgE(Phadiatop)among healthy adults was 0.01-59.50(median 0.05)kU/L, which had no significant significance between the male and the female(P=0.154). The negative and positive rates of Phadiatop were 82.09% and 17.91%, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in serum tIgE and sIgE levels among different age groups(P=0.119 and P=0.225, respectively). The Spearman rank correlation coefficient between serum tIgE and sIgE levels was 0.683 with statistical significance(positive correlation, P<0.001). There were 368 subjects(94.85%)with negative Phadiatop and 20 subjects(5.15%)with positive Phadiatop in the serum tIgE negative subjects(n=388), while 75 山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报30卷4期 -袁源,等.健康成人血清总IgE和变应原特异性IgE检测及意义 \=-subjects(51.02%)with positive Phadiatop and 72 subjects(48.98 %)with negative Phadiatop in the serum tIgE positive subjects(n=147). Conclusion More than one fourth subjects among healthy adults have a serum tIgE level higher than 100 kU/L, while less than one fifth subjects have a sensitization to inhaled allergens. There is an obvious correlation between the serum levels of tIgE and sIgE. The serum tIgE level below 100 kU/L may have a clinical value to exclude allergen sensitization; however, the sensitized status may not be confirmed when the tIgE level is higher than 100 kU/L, and case history and clinical manifestations also should be considered.
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    Establishment and application of model of chronic rhinosinusitis in mice
    WANG Zhiyuan, ZHANG Gehua
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (5): 76-78.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.184
    Abstract2458)      PDF(pc) (954KB)(2348)       Save
    Chronic rhinosinusitis(CRS) is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, which seriously affects the patients' quality of life. Because of its uncertain pathogenesis, the curative effect is not satisfactory. Animal model of CRS is the ideal means for study of the human CRS pathological mechanism and curative effect. Mice are currently common CRS animals. The main content of the review includes research progress of the mice CRS-building methods, the evaluation index and application status of the model.
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    Interpretation of “The Third Edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders(ICSD)”.
    SHANG Wei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (5): 18-20.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.386
    Abstract3776)      PDF(pc) (1002KB)(3206)       Save
    The third edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders(ICSD-3)is the key reference for the diagnosis of sleep disorders. ICSD-3 is built on the same basic outline as ICSD-2, preserving the major diagnostic classifications. Significant modifications have been made to the nosology of insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep-related breathing disorders. Major changes of the manual are reviewed in this article.
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    Research progress of dry eye animal model.
    HU Jindong, LIU Xinquan
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (4): 109-113.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.420
    Abstract2306)      PDF(pc) (899KB)(2018)       Save
    Dry eye is the most common ocular surface disease; however, its pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated. Therefore, the establishment of a dry eye model is particularly important for research into the conditions origins and its possible treatments. The current models used to establish tear deficiency either make use of an autoimmune reaction, involve the removal of the lacrimal gland(i.e., extirpation)or blockage of the lacrimal nerve, or use drugs that inhibit parasympathetic activity. Other methods of inducing dry eye involve burning the meibomian gland, decreasing the blink rate, reducing vitamin A intake, using preservatives, changing sex hormone levels, increasing tear osmolality, or carefully controlling the system environment. Meanwhile, some researchers combine the aforementioned models to produce dry eye, including combining parasympathetic inhibitory drugs with a controlled environmental system or using preservatives following removal of the lacrimal gland. In this article, we summarize the commonly used dry eye models.
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    Diagnosis and treatment of parapharyngeal space neoplasms
    HU Juan-juan, HONG Yu-ming
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2014, 28 (5): 85-90.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.159
    Abstract2401)      PDF(pc) (972KB)(2004)       Save
    Anatomy of parapharyneal space is very complicated. Many types of parapharyngeal space neoplasms can occur, and all of them demonstrate different clinical manifestations. Therefore, it is more difficult to diagnose and treat the parapharyngeal space neoplasms than other head and neck neoplasms. Common diagnostics methods include bimanual examination, imaging studies, cytopathology, transoral and transcervical biopsy. All these methods can help doctor determine the nature and blood supply of tumors and understand the relationship between neoplasms and adjacent structure, which provide a reliable basis for the ensuing treatment. This paper aims to state the diagnosis and treatment of parapharyngeal space neoplasms, especially how to select surgical procedures.
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    Clinical features and diagnosis of allergic rhinitis.
    YAN Aihui, HAN Jiali
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (4): 7-9.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.243
    Abstract1704)      PDF(pc) (979KB)(1638)       Save
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    Detection and clinical application of nasal nitric oxide
    Zhiwen CHEN,Lei CHENG
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (3): 124-128.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.026
    Abstract4868)   HTML221)    PDF(pc) (437KB)(2769)       Save

    Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized from arginine by the enzyme family NO synthases. NO is an endogenous modulator of airway function. NO from the nose can constitute a nasal defensive barrier, and keep the sinuses relatively sterile. The most commonly clinical detection of nasal nitricc oxide (nNO) is to directly collect NO with a nasal plug probe placed in the anterior nostril. nNO has been used for the screening diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia. However, nNO is related to many influences such as the plugged extent of the sinus. Dynamic monitoring nNO before and after treatment, and combination with frictional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)examination to early detect eosinophilic inflmmation in the upper and lower airways are more clinically valuable.

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    Progress in diabetic retinopathy mechanisms and cellular models
    WANG Jiaojiao, LI MiaoOverview,SONG ZongmingGuidance
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (5): 93-99.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.203
    Abstract2040)      PDF(pc) (473KB)(1161)       Save
    Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of poor vision and blindness in adults. A reasonable model for diabetic retinopathy can not only simulate its pathogenic mechanism, but also reduce economic investment. Therefore, screening and constructing suitable cell models is the core of research. In this paper, the mechanisms of inflammatory response, apoptosis, vascular dysfunction, and neurovascular unit dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy were discussed. Moreover, several models of endothelial cells, pericytes, retinal pigment epithelial cells, and glial cells were summarized to provide a useful reference for further studies on the mechanism of diabetic retinopathy and the development of relevant drugs.
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    Minimally invasive otoendoscopic surgery: a new path for ear surgery
    Dengyuan WANG, Zhibin CHEN, Guangqian XING
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (3): 27-30.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.020
    Abstract1917)   HTML30)    PDF(pc) (807KB)(1314)       Save

    This article reviews the history, advantages and disadvantages, and current applications of otoendoscopic ear surgery. The otoendoscopic approach has unique advantages over the microscopic approach; it allows the surgeon to visualize the surgical site more clearly from multiple angles and at various magnifications, enabling completion of procedures using the transcanal approach, thereby reducing the need for endoauricular or postauricular incisions and avoiding the associated morbidity. Otoendoscopes also reduce the rates of cholesteatoma recidivism in chronic ear surgery. Otoendoscopic ear surgery appears to be a promising new technique and a reliable alternative to traditional microscopic surgery.

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    Drug treatment strategy for allergic rhinitis.
    ZHANG Gehua, LI Wenting
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (4): 10-14.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.280
    Abstract1408)      PDF(pc) (1013KB)(1410)       Save
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    Treatment experience of preservation of laryngeal function in surgical management of pyriform sinus carcinoma.
    SONG Xicheng, ZHANG Hua, LIU Zhonglu, WANG Yunqiang, WANG Yan, ZHANG Qiang, WANG Qiang, KANG Shasha, SONG Yipeng
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (3): 20-23.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.262
    Abstract2031)      PDF(pc) (1040KB)(1979)       Save
    Objective To investigate preservation and reconstruction of larynx function in surgical treatment of pyriform sinus carcinoma. Methods A retrospective analysis of 102 cases of pyriform cancer treated in June 2004 to October 2015 underwent surgeries with laryngeal functions preserved was carried out. There were 9 cases of stage Ⅰ, 11 cases of stage Ⅱ, 47 cases of stage Ⅲ and 35 stage Ⅳ, according to the 2002 UICC staging. Pharyngeal lateral wall approach, hyoid region approach and paraglottic space approach were chosen respectively to remove the tumor as per preoperative evaluation, followed by repairing of surgical defects and reconstruction of laryngeal and pharyngeal functions. 93 cases of postoperative radiotherapy were implemented. Results All patients recovered well after surgery except 1 patient with pharyngeal fistula and infection. All repairing materials of different methods survived and the average time of postoperative oral intake was 12.47 days. All patients retained good laryngeal functions with 95 decannulations and the 3-year and 5-year survival rates were 59.3% and 40.7% respectively. Conclusion Comprehensive preoperative investigations as laryngoscopy and radiological assessment may give good suggestions in selecting appropriate surgical approaches; good surgical approach may help provide good feasibility and visibility, and ensure complete removal of the tumors with safety margins; through the epiglottis flipping and/or thyroid reinforcement repairing methods, the incidence of accidental swallowing and pharyngeal fistula can be reduced; pyriform sinus carcinoma are found mostly in advanced stages, single treatment is often ineffective in controlling the lesion, and radiotherapy is necessary as a comprehensive treatment to improve the local control rate and survival rate. Appropriate surgical approaches and repairing methods can help surgeons to completely remove the tumor, and preserve or rebuild laryngeal and pharyngeal functions in managing chosen patients with pyriform sinus cancer.
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    Progress in the research of intraocular lens power calculation formulas
    TAN Yan, LI Can
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (6): 95-98.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2019.275
    Abstract2819)      PDF(pc) (311KB)(1501)       Save
    With the development of phacoemulsification surgery, the calculation of intraocular lens power has been paid greater attention. Various intraocular lens power formulas have been presented to optimize the visual quality after surgery. This paper comprehensively describes the progress in the research of various intraocular lens power formulas, such as the first-generation intraocular lens formula, the second-generation formula, Hill-RBF, Barrett True-K, and so on.
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    SUN Ziwen1, CUI Hongwei2, SUN XilingEtiology, pathogenesis, and management of dry eye
    SUN Ziwen, CUI Hongwei, SUN Xiling, CHEN Chen, ZHANG Lu, HU Zhulin
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (2): 159-166.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2018.411
    Abstract2608)      PDF(pc) (533KB)(1397)       Save
    Due to multiple influences of internal factors(tear film destruction, sex hormone disorders)and external factors(environment, surgery, and drugs), patients with dry eye disease have been encountered much more frequently and are presenting at a younger age. Dry eye disease has become one of the most common diseases of the ocular surface, with a multifactorial etiology. This paper reviews the newer reports on etiology, pathogenesis, and management of dry eye.
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    XIAO Jian-xin, YU Qing-qing, TANG Jun, ZHANG Chao, SHI Si-si, CHEN Wei-xiong, WANG Yue-jian
    Abstract1488)      PDF(pc) (2489KB)(2327)       Save
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    The calculation of intraocular lens refractive power
    WANG Lei, ZHANG Han
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (4): 21-28.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2017.028
    Abstract2213)      PDF(pc) (916KB)(1911)       Save
    This review describes the principles and practice involved in the calculation of intraocular lens(IOL)refractive power. The theories behind formulas for calculating IOL power are described, using regression and optical methods. The review emphasizes the importance of establishing a precise estimation of corneal power as well as accurate techniques for the measurement of axial length and for predicting postoperative anterior chamber depth. The review concludes that current improvements in diagnostic and surgical technology, combined with the latest IOL refractive power formulas, make the calculation and selection of appropriate IOL power among the most effective tools in refractive surgery today.
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    Relationship between Friedman OSA staging and ZPPP plus GAHM
    SUN Xiao-qiang1, YI Hong-liang2, CAO Zhen-yu2, ZHANG Yu-jun2
    Abstract1951)      PDF(pc) (1023KB)(3101)       Save

    Objective To explore the relationship between Friedman OSA staging and genioglossus advancement and hyoid suspension(GAHM) plus Z-palatopharyngoplasty(ZPPP). Methods 26 patients with severe OSAHS (AHI>40)were performed GAHM plus ZPPP. The obstructive sites were identified in both oropharynx and hypopharynx. The follow up lasted at least 6 months postoperatively. The Chi square test was used to compare the preoperative and postoperative results. Results Satistying clinic results for the patients with Friedman OSA stages Ⅱ were 100%, while the overall success rate of Friedman OSA stages Ⅲ was 22.2%. Conclusion ZPPP plus GAHM is an effective method for patients with Friedman OSA stages Ⅱ.

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    Cytoskeleton-associated protein in the inner ear and gene mutations cause hereditary deafness
    YANG Xia, GAO Xia
    Abstract1268)      PDF(pc) (1006KB)(2039)       Save

    The correlated hereditary deafness-associated genes include cytoskeletal proteins, extracellular matrix proteins, channels and gap junction proteins, transcription factor genes, mitochondrial genes and other unknown function genes. Most of the cloned genes are cytoskeletal molecules.This paper makes a summary about major structural protein associated with hair cells and the pathogenesis of gene mutations lead to hereditary deafness.

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    Application of acellular dermal matrix in otorhinolaryngological reconstructive surgery
    QIN He, SUN Jian-jun
    Abstract1066)      PDF(pc) (903KB)(2251)       Save

    The unique features of acellular dermal matrix make it one of excellent material for repairing tissue defects. This article reviews the histological characteristics of acellular dermal matrix and its application in otolaryngological reconstructive surgery.

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    The groove behind the palatovaginal canal: a landmark for identification of the palatovaginal canal
    MENG Qingguo, LU Yongtian, WU Xiaoliu, LI Jianxing, SUN Huanji, ZHANG Baoying, XIE Chang
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (5): 55-61.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.124
    Abstract2482)      PDF(pc) (4366KB)(1301)       Save
    Objective To explore the groove behind the palatovaginal canal (PVC) is a critical landmark for safe identification of the PVC during endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approaches and transfer CT scan of the pterygopalatine fossa. Methods Probes were inserted thorough the PVC of 20 dry skulls. The PVC and the groove behind it were proved on MSCT, meanwhile a comparative study was also carried out by the traditional method to identificate the PVC. Dissection of two skulls and cadaveric heads was performed to demonstrate the endoscopic anatomy of the PV canal and tbe groove. Results The grooves can be found in all 20 dry skulls and appeared as groof near the posterior opening of PV canal. 26 sids were deep while 14 sides were dimple. Mainly appeared as tube-shaped (24 sides) or ovoid dimple-shaped (16 sides). In CT scan, the average angle between PVS and the hard palate was 53.14±5.48°, while between the groove and the hard palate was 20.93±6.28°. There was also statistical difference for identification of the PVC in transfer CT between the traditional method and the method assisting with the groove. Anatomic steps and foundations for dissection of the PVC while using the groove as a landmark were described. Conclusion Anatomic investigation, radiologic studies and comparison between the methods for identification of the PVC demonstrate the important anatomic relationship of the PVC with the groove, and reveal the groove as a landmark in endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approaches and transfer CT scan of the pterygopalatine fossa.
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    A review of squamous cell lines originating from the nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx and larynx
    FENG Chengmin, JIN Yidan,LIU Hai, WANG Bing
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2021, 35 (6): 113-124.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2020.478
    Abstract4684)      PDF(pc) (470KB)(1128)       Save
    Larynx squamous cell carcinoma is a common malignant tumor of the head and neck region. The head and neck have complicated anatomical structure, and squamous cell carcinomas with different primary sites have different incidences, strategies of diagnosis and therapy, and even molecular pathogeneses. Therefore, selecting the suitable squamous cell carcinoma cell lines is important for researchers to determine appropriate preclinical research models and to have a better understanding of the mechanisms of tumorigenesis and progression. To provide a reference for researchers, this study summarizes the currently available squamous cell carcinoma cell lines originating from the nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx and larynx.
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    Assessment ofquality of life in children with adenoid hypertrophy by OSA-18 questionnaire
    LONG Chaoqing, YAN Yongyi, RONG Qingfeng
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (3): 13-15.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.419
    Abstract4199)      PDF(pc) (1197KB)(1498)       Save
    Objective To investigate the value of OSA-18 questionnaire in assessment of quality of life in the children with adenoid hypertrophy. Methods Electronic nasopharyngoscopy and polysomnography (PSG) were underwent in 56 children with adenoid hypertrophy, and their quality of life were evaluated by OSA-18 questionnaire. The correlations between adenoid hypertrophy and OSA-18 scores were analyzed. Results The quality of life in 80.36% children with adenoid hypertrophy were significantly affected.Their OSA-18 total score were moderate and severe. There was significant correlation between OSA-18 total score and apneahypopneaindex(AHI), lowestoxygen saturation(LSaO2), and adenoid size. Conclusion There is an obvious correlation between adenoid size and OSA-18 score. OSA-18 questionnaire can be used asan indicatorin assessment of quality of life in the children with adenoid hypertrophy.
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    Physiological characteristics of voice and care of vocal health in the elderly
    Jiejie XU
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (3): 14-18.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2019.022
    Abstract1781)   HTML20)    PDF(pc) (665KB)(1734)       Save

    Degenerative age-related changes in the body organs can affect the structure and physiological function of the vocal cords and cause senescence of voice in the elderly. This paper summarizes the changes in laryngeal structure, glottis appearance, and physiological vocal characteristics of aged subjects, and states the steps that need to be taken to care for vocal health of patients at an advanced age. This will be helpful to distinguish between the physiological and pathological changes of the larynx in the elderly and carry out appropriate and reasonable voice protection measures, thereby improving the quality of life in the aged population.Degenerative age-related changes in the body organs can affect the structure and physiological function of the vocal cords and cause senescence of voice in the elderly. This paper summarizes the changes in laryngeal structure, glottis appearance, and physiological vocal characteristics of aged subjects, and states the steps that need to be taken to care for vocal health of patients at an advanced age. This will be helpful to distinguish between the physiological and pathological changes of the larynx in the elderly and carry out appropriate and reasonable voice protection measures, thereby improving the quality of life in the aged population.

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    Diagnosis and treatment of choroidal neovascularization in pathologic myopia
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (5): 157-162.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2019.545
    Abstract2498)      PDF(pc) (436KB)(1032)       Save
    Pathologic myopia(PM)is a major cause of vision loss worldwide, particularly in Asian countries. Choroidal neovascularization(CNV)is a severe complication of PM, which can cause macular disorders, leading to central scotoma, metamorphopsia, visual field loss, and finally blindness if not treated. The advents of optical coherence topography(OCT), OCT angiography, and fundus fluorescein angiography are helpful in diagnosing CNV due to PM, which can show the position and size of CNV, whether active or passive. For the treatment, photodynamic and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor(anti-VEGF)therapies are widely applied. In recent years, administering the intravitreal anti-VEGF injection has become the first-line treatment for CNV secondary to PM. Many clinical studies have indicated that intravitreal anti-VEGF injections affect antagonizing neovascularization and reduce macular edema, thereby contributing to visual improvements and better long-term outcomes. This article provides an overview of the current diagnosis and treatment options for myopic CNV.
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    Research progress in the inflammatory reaction and anti-inflammatory treatments in dry eye
    DI Yu,LI Ying
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (2): 144-150.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2020.484
    Abstract1248)      PDF(pc) (446KB)(914)       Save
    Dry eye is a multifactorial disease of the tear film and ocular surface. In recent years, it has become one of the most common ocular surface diseases, with its prevalence increasing every year. Inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of dry eye. It can stimulate ocular surface cells, activate the local immune response, lead to unstable tear films, increase the osmolality of tears, and then cause local ocular surface damage. Multiple inflammatory mediators and immune cells participate in the development of dry eye. There is increasing research on the inflammatory reaction involved in dry eye, and this paper reviews the inflammatory mediators, immune cells, immune response, and anti-inflammatory treatments to systematically understand the inflammatory reaction mechanism of dry eye and its clinical significance.
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    Relationship between allergic diseases and mental-psychological factors
    FAN Chang'e, ZHANG Junjing, WANG Hongtian, MA Tingting, WANG Xueyan
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (1): 101-105.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.391
    Abstract398)      PDF(pc) (414KB)(618)       Save
    Allergic diseases are a major class of diseases mediated by immunoglobulin E, affecting about 20% of the global population. Parallel to the increase in the prevalence of allergic diseases is the increase in various social and psychological pressures. The placebo and nocebo effects of allergic diseases suggest that psychosocial factors are closely related to allergic diseases. Psychological intervention and treatment cannot be ignored. Clinicians must follow the new medical model of biology psychology society, break the vicious cycle of mental psychology and allergic diseases in a timely manner, and improve the treatment efficiency of allergic diseases.The paper reviews the interrelationships between allergic diseases and psychological problems. This article reviews the relationship between allergic diseases and psychosocial problems in order to provide guidance for clinical practice.
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    Fufanghuangbai Liquid combined with triamcinolone acetonide acetate treating eczema of external auditory canal (40 cases report)
    YANG Mei-yan
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (2): 20-23.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2014.254
    Abstract3155)      PDF(pc) (924KB)(1545)       Save
    Objective To investigate the clinical effect of Fufanghuangbai liquid combined with triamcinolone acetonide acetate treating eczema of external auditory canal. Methods In the Juye County People's Hospital otolaryngology from January 2012 to April 2014, 80 cases of eczema were randomly divided into control group and observation group, the control group of 40 patients were given triamcinolone acetonide acetate, 40 patients were given Fufanghuangbai liquid combined with triamcinolone acetonide acetate treatment, compared two groups of patients with clinical treatment effect and adverse reaction. Results After 1 weeks of treatment, the observation group efficiency was 45%, although slightly higher than that of the control group was 40%, but the two groups had no statistical difference (P>0.05). In observed group, the total efficiency of 75%, it was slightly higher than 72.5% of the control group, but the two groups had no statistical difference (P>0.05). After 2 weeks treatment, the observed group was 77.5%, significantly higher than the control group of 40%, a significant difference between two groups (P<0.05). Total effective rate of observation group was 92.5%, significantly higher than the control group of 72.5%, with a significant difference between two groups (P<0.05). Patients in the two groups after treatment had no significant adverse reactions. Conclusion Fufanghuangbai liquid combined with triamcinolone acetonide acetate treating eczema of external auditory canal has satisfied effect, it can significantly improve the patient's clinical symptoms with less adverse reaction.
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    Therapeutic efficacy of Xuesaitong combined with Gastrodin for sudden deafness
    MA Ya-lin1, REN Ping-zhi2, CHAI Mao-wen1
    Abstract2309)      PDF(pc) (962KB)(2414)       Save

    Objective   To explore the therapeutic efficacy of Xuesaitong combined with Gastrodin for sudden deafness. Methods   150 patients with sudden deafness were randomly divided into the Xuesaitong group, the Gastrodin group and the combined group, with 50 cases in each group. The combined group was synchronously treated with Xuesaitong and Gastrodin. Their hearing therapeutic efficacies were compared. Results   The total effective rate and recovery rate were 72% and 20% in the Xuesaitong group, 68% and 18% in the Gastrodin group,and 88% and 38% in the combined group. They were significantly higher in the combined group than in the other two groups (all P<0.05). Conclusion   The combined therapy for sudden deafness is obviously better than individual therapy.

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    Research advances on Argonaute2 and its role in human tumors.
    ZHANG Yanhui, DONG Pin
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (3): 95-99.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2016.485
    Abstract2610)      PDF(pc) (1052KB)(1516)       Save
    With the rapid development of proteomics, proteins related to tumorigenesis and progression have been continuously discovered and applied to clinical diagnosis. By constituting RNA-induced silencing complex(RISC), selfcatalysis and overexpression, Argonaute2 plays an important role in human tumorigenesis and progression, and is becoming a research focus. In this article, we will review the research advances on the structure, function and mechanism of Argonaute2 in tumor development.
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    Evolution of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and treatment of noise-induced hearing loss.
    ZHANG Zhuan, LIU Tao, BAI Zhili, ZHOU Changming
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (5): 101-103.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2017.185
    Abstract1400)      PDF(pc) (952KB)(965)       Save
    Noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL)is a common professional disease. With the improvement in-depth study of recent advances in medicine. The pathogenesis of the disease has been studied from various aspects including the level of molecular and genetic organization, theory of machinery, metabolic theory, theory of blood vessels, imbalance of calcium ions, lack of nerve factors, potassium ion cycle, etc. This paper reviews the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and treatment of NIHL.
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    Application of titanium ossicular replacement prosthesis in open mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty for ossicular chain reconstruction.
    LIU Bin, JIANG Yuling, XIAO Xuping
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2016, 30 (4): 80-83.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.398
    Abstract1701)      PDF(pc) (949KB)(1526)       Save
    Objective To explore the effects of using titanium ossicular replacement prosthesis in open mastoidectomy with ympanoplasty. Method From January 2013 to March 2015, 65 cases with chronic suppurative otitis media and middle ear cholesteatoma were treated with open mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty. Ossicular chains were reconstructed by partial ossicular replacement prosthesis(PORP)or total ossicular replacement prosthesis(TORP). The clinical data of these cases were retrospectively analyzed. The hearing threshold of air conduction and air bone gap(ABG)were compared before and 1,3,6 months after surgery. Results After 6 months of operation, the pure tone average(PTA)and averaged ABG of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media or middle ear cholesteatoma were dropped compared with those before surgery, with significant difference(P<0.05). There were 39 ears with an ABG lower than 20 dB after operation. Conclusion The effects of using titanium ossicular replacement prosthesis in open mastoidectomy with tmpanoplasty is satisfied for patients with chronic suppurative otitis media or middle ear cholesteatoma. The surgical indication and technique, as well as perioperative management, should be considered to ensure the success of operation.
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    Lens vault changes and associated factors after implantation of implantable collamer lenses with central flow
    WAN Bo, LI Donghui, LUO Yan, LI Ying
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (2): 36-41.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2020.008
    Abstract3488)   HTML40)    PDF(pc) (1740KB)(1280)       Save
    Objective To investigate the changes to the lens vault(LV)and anterior chamber structures after implantation of implantable collamer lenses(ICL)with central flow in patients with myopia. The relationship between LV and its associated factors, both preoperatively and postoperatively, will also be analyzed. Methods One hundred and forty eyes of 72 patients who underwent ICL implantations were enrolled between January 2015 and January 2017. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure(IOP), corneal endothelial cell count(ECD), refractive outcomes, LV, and other anterior chamber structures were evaluated and compared after 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 1 year, postoperatively. We analyzed the relationship between LV and other anterior chamber structures. Results After 1 year, 73% of eyes had gained 1 or more lines of corrected distance visual acuity, progressively fewer eyes had gained an uncorrected distance visual acuity above 20/20, more than 63% were within±0.5 D of the prospective mean refractive spherical equivalent(MRSE), and more than 86% were within±0.1 D of the prospective MRSE. There were no significant differences in MRSE, IOP, and ECD, postoperatively(p>0.05). No complications occurred during the postoperative time. There were no significant LV differences at 1 month and 3 months postoperatively. Meanwhile, LV had decreased significantly in the first postoperative year and was negatively correlated with age, keratometric power, 500 μm angle open distance, 500 μm trabecular iris space area, and the anterior chamber angle. LV was positively correlated with the white-to-white distance, angle-to-angle distance, anterior chamber depth, axial length, and ICL length. Axial length and ICL length were independent factors of LV. Conclusion Implantations of phakic ICL with center flow are safe, effective, and predictable in correcting myopia. LV decreased significantly at 1 year postoperatively, which correlated with multiple factors, both preoperatively and postoperatively.
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    Research progress of adenotonsillectomy on speech and voice
    MA Zhiqiang, SONG Huiyun,YU Hailing
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2023, 37 (1): 120-123.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.559
    Abstract950)      PDF(pc) (387KB)(644)       Save
    Tonsillar hypertrophy and adenoid hypertrophy are among the most common clinical disorders, usually presenting with glandular hyperplasia and hypertrophy in childhood, and inflammatory changes in adulthood. Routine treatments for tonsillar and adenoidal hypertrophy include tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, wherein the tonsil and adenoid are resected to modify the shape of the vocal tract in the nasal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cavities. This will lead to a change in airflow upon speaking, and subsequently, changes in speech and values of voice parameters. At present, with the increasing prevalence and detection rates of tonsillar and adenoidal hypertrophy, the clinical guidance of the assessment of the effects of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on speech and voice is also increasing, especially since these methods are the primary treatments. Therefore, the review of the mechanisms of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on speech and voice is important.
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    J Otolaryngol Ophthalmol Shandong Univ    2013, 27 (2): 1-4.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2012.016
    Abstract1649)      PDF(pc) (1279KB)(1909)       Save
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    Reducing the volume of soft palate and tongue with low-temperature plasma combined with pharyngeal mucosal relaxation suture in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
    ZHANG Baolin, GUO Rui, GONG Weixi, MA Jianling, LI Xianlong
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (5): 19-22.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.319
    Abstract2080)      PDF(pc) (930KB)(1008)       Save
    Objective To explore the efficacy of low-temperature plasma combined with pharyngeal mucosal relaxation suture to reduce the volume of soft palate and tongue in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Methods A total of 38 moderate and 42 severe OSAHS cases underwent low-temperature plasma ablation of the soft palate and tongue, combined with relaxation suture of posterior arch in the fossa. Their sleep was monitored, Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was filled and pharyngeal cavities were measured before operation and 6 months after operation. Results All patients' sleep was significantly improved. The diameters of the pharyngeal cavity were enlarged. Conclusion Pharyngeal mucosal relaxation tension suture can effectively prevent tear and collapse. Combined with low-temperature plasma ablation in the soft palate and tongue, it is one of the effective methods in the treatment of OSASH.
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    Progress in the diagnosis and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity using artificial intelligence
    DU Yueshanyi, WANG Xian, ZHANG Guoming
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2023, 37 (3): 157-162.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.374
    Abstract631)      PDF(pc) (437KB)(622)       Save
    Retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)is one of the main causes of blindness in children, while early screening and diagnosis of ROP are highly dependent on ophthalmologists. With the rapid development of modern medical imaging technology and the rise of telemedicine, artificial intelligence(AI)has also been further applied in the field of ROP. In recent years, AI based on neural convolutional network and deep learning has been applied in the field of eye screening, disease detection, diagnosis and treatment, especially for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of ROP. It is expected that AI will aid primary pediatricians and ophthalmologists in early diagnosis and standardized treatment of ROP, and reduce the subjective differences among first-line doctors. This review summarizes the current status, shortcomings, and challenges faced by AI in automated ROP screening, diagnosis, and prediction, which enables the further understanding of new trends and progressment made by its clinical application in ROP.
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    A contrast of the therapeutic effects of Nasonex and Rhinocort in the treatment of allergic rhinitis
    XIE Xiao-shuai,LI Liang
    Abstract7003)      PDF(pc) (254KB)(2420)       Save
    To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nasonex Nasal Spray(momestasone furoate) and Rhinocort Nasal Spray(budesonide) on allergic rhinitis(AR). Methods160 patients with AR were randomly divided into two groups: the Nasonex group (n=80) were treated with Nasonex once daily (total 200μg) and the Rhinocort group (n=80) were treated with Rhinocort once daily (total 256μg) for 4 weeks. Clinical effects and adverse drug reactions were observed. ResultsThere were statistical differences between the pre-and post-treatment groups (both P<0.05). The total effective rate was 97.5% in the Nasonex group and 92.5% in the Rhinocort group, however, there was no statistical difference between the two groups (P>0.05). No severe adverse drug reaction was found in either group. ConclusionsBoth medicines have good therapeutic effects on allergic rhinitis. Either one can be used for allergic rhinitis alone and achieve ideal therapeutic efficacies.
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    Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis
    LI Huabin, LAI Yuting
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2018, 32 (3): 4-9.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2018.004
    Abstract2034)      PDF(pc) (739KB)(1443)       Save
    Chronic rhinosinusitis(CRS)is a multifactorial otolaryngologic disease, often requiring surgical intervention. The diagnosis of CRS is relatively clear based on the patients symptoms, and nasal endoscopy and sinus CT scan findings. However, the pathogenesis is complex with multiple treatment methods. Hence, the type of intrinsic pathologic mechanism and its target treatment method should be given greater consideration, in order to achieve the best therapeutic effects.
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    Treatment of sudden hearing loss by monosialotetrahexosylganlioside
    SHEN Feng
    J Otolaryngol Ophthalmol Shandong Univ    2013, 27 (1): 24-25.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2012.163
    Abstract3056)      PDF(pc) (967KB)(2084)       Save

    Objective   To investigate the efficacy of monosialotetrahexosylganlioside in the treatment of sudden hearing lossl. Methods   80 cases suffered from sudden hearing loss were randomly divided into 2 groups. Except for glucocorticoid plus vasodilators and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 40 cases in the treatment group were administrated with monosialotetrahexosylganlioside, while the other 40 cases in the control group were given mecobalamin injection. One course lasted for 10 days. Results   The total effective rates of hearing improvement between the treatment group and control group were 85% and 62.5%, while the cure rates of both groups were 52.5% and 27.5%(P<0.05).  Meanwhile, the total effective rate of tinnitus in the treatment and control group were 80% and 51.7%(P<0.05). Conclusion   Monosialotetrahexosylganlioside plays a positive role in the treatment of sudden hearing loss.

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    Key criteria for screening before corneal refractive surgery
    ZHANG Fengju, LI Yu
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (2): 7-12.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2020.014
    Abstract1862)   HTML80)    PDF(pc) (1291KB)(1556)       Save
    Safety, efficacy, predictability, and long-term stability are the prerequisites for satisfied outcomes after corneal refractive surgery. The most important factors are strict pre-operative screening and reasonable selection for surgical indications. This article put forward the main criteria for screening before corneal refractive surgery, which purpose is to select surgical indications rationally and avoid medical pitfalls and risks effectively. And make sure the patients could achieve the safe, effective, and stable results as well as high visual quality after corneal refractive surgery.
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    The clinical features and treatment strategies of position-related OSAHS.
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (1): 8-12.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2017.030
    Abstract1494)      PDF(pc) (1020KB)(1027)       Save
    According to the occurrence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS)in different body positions, OSAHS can be classified into 2 types, position-related and non position-related, which have different clinical manifestations. At present, there are various treatments for these 2 types of OSAHS, and the therapeutic effects also vary. In this paper, we will review the clinical features and treatments of these 2 types of OSAHS.
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    Effects of budesonide combined with saline nasal irrigation on chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal secretion of
    ZHENG Yani, LIU He, MA Liang, ZHANG Mingsheng, SUN Zhongwu
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2018, 32 (3): 58-62.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2017.455
    Abstract3083)      PDF(pc) (459KB)(907)       Save
    Objective To investigate the effects of budesonide combined with saline nasal irrigation on chronic rhinosinusitis(CRS)and nasal secretion of interleukin(IL)-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α). Methods One hundred and twenty-eight subjects were selected for the study from the patients with CRS treated in our hospital from February 2016 to May 2017. They were divided using a random number table generator into a control group that received saline nasal lavage alone(n=64)and an observation group that received saline nasal lavage to which budesonide suspension was added(n=64). The clinical efficacy and changes in IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α levels in nasal secretions, the Lund-Kennedy score for the nasal cavity, and the computed tomography score for the paranasal sinuses were compared between the two groups before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results The efficacy rate was significantly higher in the observation group than in the control group(93.75% [60/64] vs. 71.88% [46/64]; P<0.01). The nasal Lund-Kennedy and paranasal sinus computed tomography scores were significantly lower in both study groups after treatment than before treatment(P<0.01); however, the decreases in these scores were significantly greater in the observation group(P<0.01). The IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α levels in nasal secretions were also significantly lower in both study groups after treatment than before treatment(P<0.01); however, the decreases in levels of these inflammatory markers were significantly greater in the observation group(P<0.01). No obvious adverse reactions occurred in either study group during treatment. Conclusion Budesonide combined with saline nasal irrigation can significantly relieve nasal inflammation, help to relieve symptoms such as nasal congestion and swelling, and have a curative effect in patients with CRS.
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    Diagnosis and management of peripheral vestibular diseases
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2020, 34 (5): 1-6.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2020.074
    Abstract2078)      PDF(pc) (765KB)(818)       Save
    Vertigo is one of the most important symptom of peripheral vestibular diseases which are difficult to differentially diagnose and manage because multiple disciplines are involved. The premise of effective management is accurate diagnosis of vestibular diseases. With the development of vestibular function examination technology and the deepening of vestibular disease research, great progress has been made in the diagnosis and management of vestibular diseases. The establishment and publication of international classification of vestibular diseases, the introduction of diagnostic standards for various vestibular diseases in the world, the formulation of vestibular disease drugs, surgical specifications and the rapid development of vestibular rehabilitation technology make the diagnosis and management of vestibular diseases more and more standardized and accurate.
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    Interpretation of the clinical practice guidelines for diagnostic testing for adult obstructive sleep apnea: an update for 2016. An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline.
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2017, 31 (1): 18-20.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2017.084
    Abstract1355)      PDF(pc) (919KB)(1555)       Save
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    Progress of research of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of presbycusis
    ZHOU Yingdong, ZHANG Mengxian, WANG Qingling, KANG Haoran, GUO Xiangdong
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (1): 72-78.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2022.518
    Abstract382)      PDF(pc) (1196KB)(547)       Save
    Presbycusis is a sensorineural hearing loss caused by senescence of the inner ear and auditory cortex. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the occurrence and development of presbycusis. During aging, mitochondrial damage and the release of reactive oxygen species(ROS)promote each other, leading to oxidative stress and a variety of subsequent pathophysiological processes such as an imbalance in mitochondrial quality control, ubiquitin-proteasome system disorders, and programmed cell death. Antioxidants play a role in scavenging ROS, regulating mitochondrial function and inhibiting programmed cell death, and have shown great potential in the prevention and treatment of presbycusis. This review focuses on the progress of research of oxidative stress and subsequent cellular processes in the pathogenesis of presbycusis and antioxidants in delaying presbycusis in order to provide a theoretical basis for its treatment.
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    Endotypes and precision medicine in chronic sinusitis treatment
    Huabin LI,Yuting LAI,Wenxiu JIANG
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2019, 33 (3): 9-13.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2018.043
    Abstract1466)   HTML20)    PDF(pc) (697KB)(1046)       Save

    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common otolaryngologic disease, with a complex intrinsic pathological mechanism. Traditional medicine and surgery do not fully treat CRS. In recent years, precision medicine has been used to develop new biological agents to treat CRS based on its phenotype. This article reviews the current endotypes of CRS that have therapeutic significance, including type II inflammatory, eosinophilic, epithelial barrier function, and epithelium-derived cytokine endotypes, and those that are still in the theoretical stage of research, including the non-type II inflammatory phenotype and tissue remodeling.

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    Effects of tilt and decentration on visual quality after various intraocular lens implantations
    HUANG ZiyanOverview,DUAN GuopingGuidance
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2022, 36 (6): 26-31.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2021.544
    Abstract839)      PDF(pc) (428KB)(615)       Save
    Cataract phacoemulsification and intraocular lens(IOL)implantation are currently recognized as effective treatments for cataracts. The goal of cataract surgery has changed to refractive surgery to achieve good visual quality. Postsurgical IOL decentration and tilt can increase high-order aberrations and reduce visual quality. Different IOL have diverse effects on visual quality caused by postoperative decentration and tilt due to their design and other factors. Compared to the visual quality of other types of IOL, those of aspheric and multifocal IOLs are more susceptible to decentration and tilt. This paper reviews the relevant recent literature on tilt and decentration after IOL implantation, analyzes the cause and effect of the visual quality differences between various IOLs, and highlights additional treatment options and research directions to improve the prognosis of cataract patients.
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    lidocaine combined with retroauricular injection of gastrodine in the treatment of idiopathic tinnitus
    DI Guohua, LIU Junru, ZHAO Yanxiang, GAO Yingkai
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2015, 29 (6): 5-7.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2015.253
    Abstract3763)      PDF(pc) (893KB)(1645)       Save
    Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of lidocaine combined with retroauricular injection of gastrodine in the treatment of idiopathic tinnitus. Methods A total of 90 cases of idiopathic tinnitus were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. The treatment group was treated by two simultaneous methods. The first method used intravenous drip of drugs to nurture nerves and to improve blood circulation in the inner ear. The other one was to combine 2% lidocaine with retroauricular injection of gastrodine. The control group received the first treatment only. One course of treatment lasted for 14 d. All patients were followed up for 3 months. Results The total efficacy of treatment group and control group was 84.44% and 55.56%, respectively. After 3-month of follow-up, the total efficacy of treatment group and control group was 82.22% and 55.11%, respectively. There was statistical difference between the statistics (P<0.05). No obvious adverse effects were observed. Conclusion Combination of 2% lidocaine and gastrodine injection is simple and effective in the treatment of idiopathic tinnitus.
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    Syndrome differentiation of chronic sinusitis
    LI Ying
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY)    2018, 32 (3): 27-30.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.1.2017.056
    Abstract2144)      PDF(pc) (620KB)(1111)       Save
    The understanding of Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)on pathogenesis of chronic sinusitis was discussed in this paper. From the viewpoint of “concept of holism and syndrome differentiation” of TCM, its features and advantages on treating sinusitis by using “different treatments for same disease” were highlighted, and the shortcomings and some remaining problems were also put forward.
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    Role of Toll-like receptor 4/nuclear transcription factor-κB channels in diabetic retinopathy
    LUN Yingjun, CHEN Chen, GAO Hongcheng, FAN Qinglin, TAI Renqing
    Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University    2024, 38 (2): 163-168.   DOI: 10.6040/j.issn.1673-3770.0.2023.333
    Abstract298)      PDF(pc) (1054KB)(483)       Save
    Diabetic retinopathy(DR)is a microvascular complication caused by diabetes mellitus and is the primary cause of blindness in patients. Its pathogenesis is influenced by various factors,such as immune inflammation, oxidative stress, and polyol pathways. Currently, immune-inflammatory responses are considered to play important roles in the development of DR. The Toll-like receptor 4(TLR4)/nuclear transcription factor-κB(NF-κB)pathway mediates the release of inflammatory factors and plays a key role in inflammatory mechanisms. Several studies have demonstrated that inhibition of the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway can effectively treat DR.This review addresses the role of TLR4/NF-κB channels in DR, which may provide novel treatment targets for this disease.
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